Paperly Integration

Overview of Paperly Integration

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Set up the Paperly component in Schoolbox (as a Superuser)

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As a Superuser, you can set up the Paperly component to integrate it into Schoolbox for your school staff, parents, and students to use.

To do this:

  1. In Schoolbox, go to Administration > System Settings > 3rd Party Services.
  2. Then, scroll to Paperly API Host and enter the Paperly host to access the API.
  3. Next, in Paperly API Key, enter the API key to access the Paperly API.
  4. When done, select Save.
    This saves the host and key details for Paperly.
  5. Next, in Schoolbox, go to Administration > Personalisation > Dashboard Templates.  
    You’ll now see the Paperly component in the list of components.
  6. Select the drop-down list icon image.png to select a Role type. 
    For example:
    • Student
    • Staff
    • Parents
  7. Next, select Paperly from the list of components.
    Note - You can drag-and-drop this component. 
    This sets up the Paperly component for this role.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to set up the Paperly component for each role.
    You’ve now set up the Paperly component in Schoolbox for your school staff, parents, and students to use.

Use the Paperly component (as a school staff)

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Create custom forms (as a school staff)

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As a school staff, you can create and manage any internal forms for school staff such as leave applications, function requests, and booking forms.

To do this:

  1. On your Schoolbox homepage, go to the Paperly component.
  2. Then, select Forms
  3. Next, select Allow to share your identity with Paperly SchoolBox Test Environment.
    This opens the Forms page.
  4. Next, select Add New Form to create a new form.
    This opens the Create New Form page.
  5. In Create New Form, fill out the fields:
    • Form name - enter the name of the form you are creating.
    • Description - add details about this form.
    • Public link - select Yes or No. 
      Note - If you select Yes to set this as a public form, anyone with this link can complete it. If you select No, the link to this form will be available only to the user groups that you define. 
    • User group - select who all can access this form:
      • Current Staff
      • Current Parent
      • Current Student
        Note - You can select more than one user group.
    • Form Open - use the date and time picker to define the start date and time from when this form will be available.
    • Form Closes - use the date and time picker to define the closing date and time till when this form will be available.
    • Allow submission after form closure - select Yes or No. 
      Note - If you select Yes, users can submit the form even after the form closure date.  
    • Accounts Code - enter the accounts code if there is a payment involved.
    • Auto-publish after creation - select Yes or No to auto-publish this form soon after it is created.
    • Form fields - you can add form fields.
      Note - You can create Form conditions.
  6. When done, select Save.
    This creates a custom form for you on the Forms page.

    You’ve now created a custom form for your school using the Paperly component.

Note - On the Forms page, you can go to the Action column to preview, publish, or edit the form you created.


Create events for excursions (as a school staff)

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As a school staff, you can go paperless as you communicate and manage between parents, school staff, and students for all events, such as camps, trips, tours, and excursions.

To do this:

  1. On your Schoolbox homepage, go to the Paperly component.
  2. Then, select Excursions
    This opens the Excursions page.
  3. Next, select Add New Excursion to create a new event. 
    This opens the Create New Excursion Form.
  4. In Activity Planning Form, fill out the fields:
    • Type - select the type of event from the drop-down list.
    • Name - enter your name.
    • Description - add details about the event.
    • Relevance of activity to Curriculum Outcomes - enter how this event/activity will be relevant to the course.
      Note - You can include any attachments. 
    • Departure - use the date and time picker to enter when the event starts.
    • Return - use the date and time picker to enter when the event ends.
    • Location/Venue - include the location of the venue.
    • Item(s) to bring - add the items the attendees need to bring to the event. 
    • Attire(s) to wear - add the event dress codes for the attendees. 
    • In Staff information, include all details about the school staff member(s) who will be responsible for the event.
    • In Activity Specifics, include more specific details about the event.
    • In Expenses and Payment, select the total expense for this event and then select the Charge to Students checkbox (if applicable) to enter the charge per student for this event. 
    • In Approval Process, select from:
      • Junior School
      • Middle School
      • Senior School
    • In Attachments, add any documents to support the event details. 
  5. When done, select Create.
    Note - You can also select Save as draft and exit to submit it later.
    This creates an event form for you.

    You’ve now created an event form for your school using the Paperly component.
    Note - After you’ve created an event, you can also select actions such as Approve, Reject, Requires resubmission, or Delete for this event. 

Create events for parent-teacher interviews (as a school staff)

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As a school staff, you can manage your Parent/Teacher Interviews to simplify the booking process for parents.

To do this:

  1. On your Schoolbox homepage, go to the Paperly component.
  2. Then, select Parent/Teacher Interviews
    This opens the Parent/Teacher Interviews page.
  3. Next, select Add New Event to create a new event. 
    This opens the Parent Teacher Interview Event form.
  4. In Parent Teacher Interview Event, fill out the fields:
    • Name - enter your name.
    • Description - add details about the event.
    • Parent Visibility Start Date - select the date when this event will become visible to parents.
    • Parent Visibility End Date - select the date when this event should not be visible to parents. 
    • Appointment Duration (Minutes) - select the total time in minutes.
    • Interview Type - select if the interview is going to be in-person, online, or both.
    • Year Levels - select the appropriate year levels. 
      Note - You can select more than one year level. 
    • Session Date - use the date picker to select when this event is.
      Note - You can select + to add various sessions.
    • Start Time - select the time when the event will begin. 
    • End Time - select the time when the event will end. 
  5. When done, select Save.
    This creates the Parent/Teacher Interview event for you.

    You’ve now created an event form for your school using the Paperly component.