Similarity Check - SimCheck by Turnitin

Overview - Similarity Check (TurnitIn)

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Schoolbox has a fully integrated Similarity Check, eliminating the need for a teacher to leave the platform and access yet another software or go to another website. If the Similarity Check is enabled for a particular Due Work, it quickly scans all submitted files for plagiarism against other submissions and the wider internet.

The Similarity Report allows teachers to see exactly which parts of the student's work are direct copies, possibly altered copies, or an exact copy that is marked as a quotation. The report also provides original sources, to support teachers investigating whether the copying rises to the level of plagiarism.

The Similarity Check is best used on student submissions that are entirely the original work of the student. If it is not needed, it can be turned off before students begin to make submissions. Where a student is submitting work that is substantially similar to other students’ in the class, for example a worksheet with exact answers, the available report should be considered carefully to make a determination if the student has plagiarised.

The school can optionally display a similarity score to students to make grading fairer, while providing students the opportunity to re-work their submissions and continue developing their writing skills.

On this page, you will find the following information:

Turnitin's Enhanced Similarity Report

Toggling Similarity to On for Due Work Items

Accessing the Due Work Similarity Report for a class

Accessing the Task Similarity Report for the individual student

Excluding items from the Similarity Report

Printing the Similarity Report

Superuser Configurations

Turnitin's Enhanced Similarity Report

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Toggle the Similarity Check to ON

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You can enable Similarity Checking when you create a new Due Work, or at any time afterwards by modifying the Due Work.

The Similarity Check toggle is found in the Submissions area of a Due Work modify/creation screen. It is only available if you select “Single” or “Multiple” online submission.


Accessing the Task Similarity Report for the class

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To access the Similarity Report for a specific Class Task follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to the Course Outline component.

2. Click the '3 dot menu' on the relevant Due Work item.

3. Select 'Similarity Report'.


4. View the Similarity Report details for the Class Submissions.


5. Use the 'Similarity Score' drop down to filter the similarity percentages in the report.


6. Apply 'Status filters' to provide a comment and require a re-submission for individual or multiple students.


7. Click 'Review Submissions' to open the Submission Area for individual Students. 


Accessing the Task Similarity Report for the individual student

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1. Select the linked individual student similarity report, to open the TurnitIn submission area.


2. The TurnitIn Submission Area will open and you will be able to see the percentage of similarity in relation to different Sources.



Interpreting the similarity score

Turnitin checks a user's work against its extensive database. If instances are found where a user's writing is similar to or matches against a source this will be flagged for your review in the match overview.
The database includes billions of web pages: both current and archived content from the Internet, a repository of works students have submitted to Turnitin in the past, and scholarly publications, which comprises thousands of periodicals, journals, and publications.

What do the similarity score colors indicate?

The percentage range is 0% to 100% with the possible similarity groupings being:


Light blue: 0% matching text


Dark blue: 1-24% matching text


Yellow: 25-49% matching text


Orange: 50-74% matching text


Red: 75-100% matching text


Excluding Sources & Text

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Sometimes, you may notice that a source or individual text, bibliography, quotes etc is included in the Similarity Report that you didn't intend, or there may be a source you think was permissible, and don't want it to contribute to the overall similarity score.

1. Select a 'Source Overview' on the sidebar.


Note: Sources Overview: A list of the top sources found in the document
All Sources: A list of all sources that have matched in the document.


2. Click the 'Settings cog', to select and de-select which repositories are to be searched.


3. Tick and untick the 'Repositories'. There is also the flexibility to add further exclusions such as bibliography and quotes.

4. Select 'Done' when complete.


You also have control over the inclusion/exculsion of particular sections of text that have been highlighted in the similarity overview.

5. Click on the highlighted text and choose 'View Full Text' to compare or 'Exclude this Text' next to one of the numbered selections.


6. Select a reason to exclude the text. Once you confirm, the similarity score will adjust accordingly.



Printing the Similarity Report

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1. Select the 'Print' icon on the bottom left of the individual similarity report page to open the print preview.


2. Click 'Print' in the top right hand corner to print. The report displays the document name, date submitted, word count, characters, similarity score and sources overview.


Superuser Configurations

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For Schoolbox Superusers in your school who have access to the Schoolbox Administration area, there are a number of items of note:

To check the status of your Turnitin service navigate to Admin > Home. This will also link you through to the Turnitin services page that includes any disruptions or planned maintenance that could affect the service. This will display as "SimCheck", or "Turnitin Originality" if you have the upgraded service.


In the LMS > LMS Policy page in the Schoolbox Admin Area, you can configure visibility of both the similarity score and the similarity report for students and parents.


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