Courses and Units

Overview - Courses and Units

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Courses and Units are a great way to encourage collaboration and the reusing of assessments. A Course page can easily replace your handbooks, giving visibility to students looking to select subjects for the year ahead, and for parents, curious about the curriculum. 

Units are the perfect place to store resources and build Assessment Tasks for use not just this year, but for years to come. These assessments can be developed each year, and then pushed to multiple class pages, saving workload and repetition for your teachers.

On this page, you will find the following information:

Accessing Course and Unit Homepages

Creating a Course and Unit

Creating a Course Homepage Banner

Creating Unit Tiles

Adding a Course Overview

Using Course and Unit Content on Class Pages

Modify a Course or Units

Exporting a Course, Unit and Learning Activities to Class Pages from a Course

Exporting a Unit to a Class Page with an existing Course

Exporting a Learning Activity to Class Pages that have an Existing Course and Open Units Imported

Importing a Course to a Class Page

Modifying an Imported Course on a Class Page

Moving Projects or Learning Activities between Units 

Managing the Course Framework (as a Superuser)

Accessing Course and Unit Homepages

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Accessing Courses from your Top Menu

1. Select the 'Courses' tab in your Top Menu.


2. Select the 3-dot menu next to the Course you want to navigate to and select 'Course Homepage'.



Accessing Units from your Top Menu

1. Select the 'Courses' tab from your Top Menu.


2. Select the arrow next to the Course which contains the Unit you wish to navigate to.


3. Select the title of the Unit you wish to navigate to.


Creating a Course and Unit

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1. Select the Courses icon in your Top Menu to access the Course List page.


2. Select the '+' icon.


3. Give the course a name.


4. Select the Faculty/Subject Folder where the course will be housed.


5. Select a Course Framework.


6. Add Subject Codes if required.


7. Add Curriculum Codes if required.


8. Select 'Next'.

9. Give your Unit a title.


​​​​10. Select 'Create Unit'.


You can continue to add units by repeating steps 8 and 9.

11. Add Projects, Tasks, Due Work, Quizzes and Lesson Plans to your unit/s by selecting the relevant button.


12. Once you have finished setting up any relevant learning activities, select 'Save Course'.


NOTE - You can return and modify existing learning activities, or add new ones, from the Course List or by using the Course Builder component on a Unit page.

Create a Course Homepage Banner

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NOTE: It is recommended that banners are created using an external design tool. A good resolution for a banner image is 1600 x 200px or higher, as long as the image maintains a 16:2 ratio. If possible, it should be exported as a PNG or other lossless image filetype.

1. Click inside the URL bar of your Course Homepage and copy your Course's URL.

NOTE: The steps below begin by describing the process of adding a Tiles component to the page for the Course Homepage Banner. Depending on the template applied to your page, you may already have a Tiles component added for you.

2. Add a full-width Tiles component to the Homepage by selecting the 'plus icon' and then selecting ‘Tiles’.


3. Unlock the page.


4. Select the settings cog on the Tiles component and modify the heading to read ‘Course Homepage Banner’.


5. Select ‘Update’.


6. Select  'Add a Tile'.


NOTE: You will automatically be navigated to the ‘Add Tile’ page or to the ‘Modify Tile Layout’ page depending on how the template was set up. If you are on the ‘Modify Tile Layout’ page, select ‘+ Add Tile’.

7. If you are not using a custom banner image, add the name of your Course into the ‘Text’ field. Modify the text colour, modify the text positioning using the checkboxes, and modify the background colour if required.


8. Paste the Course homepage URL into the URL field.


9. Apply a hover colour.

NOTE: We recommend the following hover colour - (rgba 255,255,255, 0.4), which converts to #FFFFFF70 as a hex.


10. Upload your custom image.


11. Select ‘Save’.


12. Check that the following Tile Layout options are selected:

  • Use the ‘Ratio’ dropdown arrow to select ‘Banner (16:2)’
  • Modify the ‘Tiles/Row’ field to read ‘1’.


13. Select ‘Save’.


Creating Unit Tiles

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To give users a method of navigating a Course and its associated Units, it is recommended to create Unit tiles that can be alt-sourced to all unit pages.

Preparing to Add Unit Tiles

NOTE: It is recommended that Unit tiles are created using an external design tool. If possible, it should be exported as a PNG or other lossless image filetype.

1. Select the 'Courses' tab from your Top Menu.


2. Select the arrow next to the Course which contains the Unit you wish to navigate to.


3. Right-click on the unit link and select ‘Copy link address’. Paste the link somewhere it can be accessed later. Repeat this process for each unit.image.php?hash=5d87d4033d60bb8ef57e3065d2cc73cb3cd8f1f7

NOTE: The option to copy a link may be different depending on your web browser, so select the option that is relevant to your browser.

4. Select the 'Courses' tab in your Top Menu.


5. Select the 3-dot menu next to the Course you want to navigate to and select 'Course Homepage'.


NOTE: The steps below begin by describing the process of adding a Tiles component to the page for Unit tiles. Depending on the template applied to your page, you may already have a Tiles component added for you.

6. Add a Tile component to the left or right column on the Homepage by selecting the ‘+’ button and then dragging the ‘Tiles’ component to a column. 


7. Unlock the page.


8. Select the settings cog  on the Tiles component and modify the heading to read ‘Unit Tiles’.


9. Select ‘Update’.


10. Select  'Add a Tile'.



Tile Creation Process

1. If you are not using a custom image, add the name of your Unit into the ‘Text’ field. Modify the text colour, modify the text positioning using the checkboxes, and modify the background colour if required.


2. Paste the Unit homepage URL into the URL field.


3. Apply a hover colour.

NOTE: We recommend the following hover colour - (rgba 255,255,255, 0.4), which converts to #FFFFFF70 as a hex.


4. Upload your custom image.


5. Select ‘Save’.


6. Check that the following Tile Layout options are selected:

  • Use the ‘Ratio’ dropdown arrow to select a ratio that matches your custom image.
  • Modify the ‘Tiles/Row’ field to the number of tiles you wish to display in a single row before creating a new row.


7. Select ‘Save’.



Alternative Source Linking Unit Tiles to Unit Homepages

1. Select the 'Courses' tab from your Top Menu.


2. Select the arrow next to the Course which contains the Unit you wish to navigate to.


3. Select the title of the Unit you wish to navigate to.

4. Add a Tile component to the left or right column on the Homepage by selecting the ‘+’ button and then dragging the ‘Tiles’ component to a column.


5. Unlock the page.


6. Select the settings cog on the Tiles component and modify the heading to read ‘Unit Tiles’.


7. Select ‘Browse’.


8. Using the breadcrumbs, navigate to the Course Homepage.


9. Select ‘Use this Folder’.


10. Use the ‘Layout’ dropdown arrow to select ‘Unit Tiles’.


NOTE: If you did not set the heading on the Tiles component on the Course Homepage to ‘Unit Tiles’ it may be named something different.

11. Select ‘Update’.


Adding a Course Overview

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Consider adding one or multiple Text Box components (such as a Course Overview) to the Course Homepage. The purpose of these Text Boxes is to share a description of the Course with students and parents.

1. Select the 'Courses' tab in your Top Menu.


2. Select the 3-dot menu next to the Course you want to navigate to and select 'Course Homepage'.


NOTE: The steps below begin by describing the process of adding a text box component to the page for the Course Overview. Depending on the template applied to your page, you may already have a text box component added for you.

3. Add a Text Box component to the left or right column on the Homepage by selecting the ‘+’ button and then dragging the ‘Text Box’ component to a column. 


4. Unlock the page.


5. Select the settings cog on the Text Box component and modify the heading to identify the purpose of the Text Box (such as ‘Course Overview’).


6. Select ‘Update’.


7. Select ‘Add text and multimedia, or embed content’.


8. Give the Text Box a title (such as ‘Course Overview’).


9. Add content using the Rich Text Editor. 

NOTE: This can be information that you wish to showcase about the Course to Students and Parents. Consider adding content from the ACARA website or from your School's Curriculum Information Handbooks.


10. Select ‘Save’.


Using Course and Unit Content on Class Pages

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Content from your Course and Unit pages can be displayed on your class pages, or across unit pages, to avoid you recreating tiles or links, and to save space by not storing files in multiple locations. We recommend you build your course page, with tiles that are displayed on your unit pages and class page. This can be completed using alternative source linking. This is the same process that you can follow to display files and links in multiple locations.


1. Navigate to your Class Page.

2. Add the type of component that you wish to alt source. 

3. Select the settings cog.


4. Select 'Browse'.


5. Use the breadcrumbs to navigate to your Course or Unit Page.


6. Select 'Use this folder'.


7. Use the drop-down arrow to select the component you wish to display.


8. Select 'Update'.


Modify a Course or Units

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1. Navigate to the Course List.


2. Select the title of the Course you with to modify to enter the 'Modify Course' area.


3. Here you can adjust any part of the Course.


3. Adjust the names of the Units you wish to modify by adjusting the titles in the text box.


Note - You can sort the units in a course. To do this, on the Course Modify page, use the drag-and-drop icon image.png to change the order of units in a course. 

4. Add a new Unit if required by entering the name of your Unit.


​​​​5. Select 'Create Unit'.


6. Select 'Save Course'.


Exporting a Course, Unit and Learning Activities to Class Pages from a Course

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1. Navigate to the Courses page, by selecting the 'Courses' tab in the Top Menu or adding /course/list to the end of the URL from your dashboard.


2. Select the 3-dot menu next to the course you wish to export.


3. Select 'Import into classes'.


4. Type the class/es you are exporting to in the 'Classes' field.


5. Select 'Next'.

6. Use the checkboxes to select the units you are importing.


7. Add open and close dates for the units.


8. Select the checkboxes next to the specific assessments to import into your class.


9. Set any ‘Publish’, ‘Open’, ‘Due’, and/or ‘Late’ dates. 
NOTE: Dates can be set using the date picker or by typing words such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’, ‘3 months’ etc.

10. Select 'Import'.

NOTE: If no Course Outline component is on the class page, then a new component will be automatically added to the top of the page.

Exporting a Unit to a Class Page with an existing Course

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1. Navigate to the Courses page, by selecting the 'Courses' tab in the Top Menu or adding /course/list to the end of the URL from your dashboard.

2. Select the title of the course or the 3-dot menu and ‘Modify’ for the course which contains the unit you are wanting to export. Select Modify.


3. Select the 3-dot menu of the unit and select 'Import to Classes'.


4. Use the checkboxes to select the classes you wish to export the unit to.


5. Enter the ‘Open’ and ‘Close’ dates of the unit.


6. Select ‘Export to selected classes’.


Exporting a Learning Activity to Class Pages that have an Existing Course and Open Units Imported

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1. Select the 'Courses' tab from your Top Menu.


2. Select the arrow next to the Course which contains the Unit you wish to navigate to.


3. Select the title of the Unit you wish to navigate to.


4. Select the 3-dot menu of the Learning Activity you wish to export on the ‘Course Builder’ component.

5. Select ' Export to Classes'.


6. Select the classes that you wish to export the learning activity to.


7. Set any ‘Publish’, ‘Open’, ‘Due’, and/or ‘Late’ dates.

NOTE: If a class is not displaying, ensure that the unit is open on the class page.

8. Select 'Export to selected classes'.

Importing a Course to a Class Page

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Importing a course using ‘Manage Courses’

1. Navigate to your Class Page.

2. Select the 3-dot menu in the top right of the page and select 'Manage Courses'.


3. Select the 'plus icon'.


4. Select the title of the Course you wish to import from the Courses list.


5. Use the checkboxes to select the units you are importing.


6. Add open and close dates for the units.


7. Select the checkboxes next to the specific Learning Activities to import into your class.


NOTE: A Unit can be imported without any Learning Activities.

8. Set any ‘Publish’, ‘Open’, ‘Due’, and/or ‘Late’ dates.

NOTE: Dates can be set using the date picker or by typing words such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’, ‘3 months’ etc.

9. Select 'Import'.

NOTE: If no Course Outline component is on the class page, then a new component will be automatically added to the top of the page.


Importing a course using a ‘Course Outline’ Component

1. Navigate to your Class Page.

2. Add a 'Course Outline' component to your page or locate a Course Outline component that is already on the page.

3. Select 'Import a course'.


4. Select the title of the Course you wish to import from the Courses list.


5. Use the checkboxes to select the units you are importing.


6. Add open and close dates for the units.


7. Select the checkboxes next to the specific Learning Activities to import into your class.


NOTE: A Unit can be imported without any Learning Activities.

8. Set any ‘Publish’, ‘Open’, ‘Due’, and/or ‘Late’ dates.

NOTE: Dates can be set using the date picker or by typing words such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’, ‘3 months’ etc.

9. Select 'Import'.

Modify an Imported Course on a Class Page

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Modifying an Imported Course Using the Course Outline

1. Navigate to the Course Outline component on your Class Page and select ‘Modify’.


2. Use the checkboxes to select the units you wish to import or unselect those you wish to delete.


3. Select the checkboxes next to the specific learning activities you wish to import or unselect those you wish to delete from your class.


4. Add or update any ‘Publish’, ‘Open’, ‘Due’, and/or ‘Late’ dates.

NOTE: Dates can be set using the date picker or by typing words such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’, ‘3 months’ etc.

5. Select 'Modify'.


Modifying an Imported Course - Option 2

1. Navigate to your Class Page.

2. Select the 3-dot menu and select 'Manage Courses'.


3. Select the 3-dot-menu of the course you wish to modify.


4. Select 'Modify'.


5. Use the checkboxes to select the units you wish to import or unselect those you wish to delete.


6. Select the checkboxes next to the specific learning activities you wish to import or unselect those you wish to delete from your class.


7. Add or update any ‘Publish’, ‘Open’, ‘Due’, and/or ‘Late’ dates.

NOTE: Dates can be set using the date picker or by typing words such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’, ‘3 months’ etc.

8. Select 'Modify'.

Moving Projects or Learning Activities between Units

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1. Navigate to the Unit where the Project or Learning Activity is currently located.

2. Select the 3-dot menu next to the item you wish to move.

NOTE: You can move a whole project or single learning activities within a project. To move a learning activity from within a project, select the title of the project, and then follow the steps below.

3. Select ‘Modify’.


4. Navigate to the section titled ‘Assessment Location’ and select ‘Change Location’.


5. Select the location you are moving the project or learning activity to.

6. Select ‘Change Location’.


7. Select ‘Update’.


Managing the Course Framework (as a Superuser)

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1. Navigate to Administration > LMS > Course Builder.


2. Select ‘Add Framework’.


3. Enter a course framework name.


4. Use the drop-down arrow to select the Homepage Template you wish to use for the ‘Course’ page.


5. Use the drop-down arrow to select the Homepage Template you wish to use for ‘Unit’ pages associated with the Course.


6. If you wish to delete a framework, select the bin icon to delete a Course Framework.


7. Use the checkbox next to ‘Inherit permissions from the course's parent folder’ to select whether Course pages will inherit their parent folder’s permissions or whether you will set the default Course page permissions manually.


8. Use the checkbox next to ‘Inherit permissions from the unit's parent folder’ to select whether Unit pages will inherit the Course’s folder permissions.


If the checkbox is not selected, you will need to manually set the Unit page permissions manually.


9. Select ‘Save Changes’.