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Release Notes
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  • Release 16.5.24

    By Jy Kingston in Release Notes

    Assessments [SA-3537] - Fixed linking to due work details for parents linked from notifications [SA-3607] - Fixed Accelerus exporter exporting multiple entries [SA-3630] - Added limit to due work upcoming work list   Profile [SA-3693] - Fixed student profile TASS...
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  • We are so excited to announce that the Release Candidate of Schoolbox v17 is almost ready to release and will soon be ready for testing....
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  • This latest release of Schoolbox contains several fixes to ensure staff, students and parents can see grade information.  This was being blocked with some combinations of settings and policies....
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  • Dear Schools, We are excited to let you know our next User Forum in Sydney is happening on 07 June 2017 at the King's School.  We will be sending you the registration information soon. Feel free to follow the Event's page to know more about the agenda and topics: https://help....
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  • We are now beginning to prepare internally for the pending release of v17.0.  So this is a maintenance release to fix up any issues before our focus heads towards the v17.0 beta period....
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  • Have you ever looked at a page you've created in Schoolbox and thought... I can do better than this or these components can do more?...
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  • Hello Schoolbox community! Some of you may have noticed some changes to the ideas forums area. Firstly, we have merged some topics to reduce the options of where to post ideas to help make it easier to find an appropriate category....
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  • By now you have come to the realisation that it is term 2 and that means we need some inspiration to help us teach and learn!  So, I am happy to report that we have created some exciting infographics that we will be using in our Teacher Course....
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  • Quick release to fix a regression in v16.5.20 where calendar moderators were receiving an error page when attempting to edit calendar events....
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  • The latest release has now been deployed to servers.  This release contains many technical fixes that were put to the back of the list while we resolved the usability issues in 16.5.  But now with those mostly behind us we have had a chance to fix lots of admin relevant issues....
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  • With this latest release we have implemented the ability for parents with read access to class pages to click through into the activities in the course outline.  Please note that they will not be able to see student grades or submit work, but they will see the detail of the activity....
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  • Hi All, Sightly delayed release notes - our apologies, this release went out 3 days ago on Friday. Several important fixes for Linked Accounts as well as Dashboard errors....
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  • New interest based user groups have just been created for Careers Advisors and Rubric Lovers! Join in the discussions!
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  • Release 16.5.6

    By James Leckie in Release Notes

    The latest release contains several stability improvements and a few recovered features.  Most importantly we have restored the ability to import and export quizzes.  In addition teachers can now also preview a quiz....
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  • Release 16.5.4

    By James Leckie in Release Notes

    Hi All Another release already. We had two critical issues that needed to be addressed urgently.  So we are now doing two releases a day just to keep the bugs away....
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