News Archive

September 2020

Release Notes
Outages and Post Incident Reports
  • Hi all, Just wanted to make you aware of 2 recently created guides pages that have revamped content and information about processes that you might be needing now: Kick Start your Academic Programme Early Managing the End of the Academic Year Please reach out to our Support Team or your...
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  • Spring Break

    By Chris Durante in Community

    Hi NSW Schoolboxers! After what I'm sure has been another massive term, we want to wish you all a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Spring break. We know not all of you go on holidays, however at the very least we hope it is a break from routine....
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  • Hi SA Schoolboxers!   After what I'm sure has been another massive term, we want to wish you all a safe, relaxing and enjoyable Spring Break. May you come back refreshed and ready to take on Term 4 with renewed energy and enthusiasm.   The Schoolbox Team🐳
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  • Hi everyone, I have been asked by a couple of schools in NSW who out there is adding alumni to their Schoolbox instance? These schools would like to learn from others that are ahead in the process....
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