News Archive

February 2017

Release Notes
Outages and Post Incident Reports
  • Hi All, Sightly delayed release notes - our apologies, this release went out 3 days ago on Friday. Several important fixes for Linked Accounts as well as Dashboard errors....
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  • New interest based user groups have just been created for Careers Advisors and Rubric Lovers! Join in the discussions!
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  • Release 16.5.6

    By James Leckie in Release Notes

    The latest release contains several stability improvements and a few recovered features.  Most importantly we have restored the ability to import and export quizzes.  In addition teachers can now also preview a quiz....
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  • Release 16.5.4

    By James Leckie in Release Notes

    Hi All Another release already. We had two critical issues that needed to be addressed urgently.  So we are now doing two releases a day just to keep the bugs away....
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  • Release 16.5.3

    By James Leckie in Release Notes

    Hi All As promised here is another release for early in this week.  This contains many of the customisations you asked for in the first week plus several critical fixes....
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  • Release 16.5.2

    By James Leckie in Release Notes

    Hi All We are making quick progress on releases at the moment with issues discovered during the start of the year.  We will keep up this tempo and focus for another few weeks to ensure everything is ironed out for you....
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