News Archive

May 2016

Release Notes
Outages and Post Incident Reports
  • Hi Everyone We had a critical issue with the notification system that prompted this point release.  Notably students had been setting classroom mutes when changing notification settings on other pages.  Muting classrooms should not be possible so this has been fixed....
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  • LTI is HERE

    By Megan in General

    All across the internet there are many specialised education tools that can provide experiences beyond the standard tools provided within Schoolbox. With LTI you can provide seamless access for students to utilise 3rd party tools without the need for extra setup or configuration....
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  • Level 6 and v16 Teacher Course available now!

    By Anna Hindson in Learning

    v16.5 RELEASE NOTES HERE Get excited for a new version of Schoolbox and a new version of the Teacher Course! Oh and did we mention another level?!...
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  • Release 15.6.15

    By Anna Hindson in Release Notes

    Following the 15.6.14 performance improvement to external connectors we had a few issues with some connectors.  These were the primary focus of this release.  In addition we fixed the quiz marking issue introduced in the last release....
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  • We are now coming to the end of the 15.6 series of releases with v16 just around the corner.  But we recognise that many schools are in no hurry to migrate.  So this point release should tie up the lose ends in 15.6 and tied you over until your v16 upgrade....
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