Release 16.0.12

By James Leckie in Release Notes

Hi All

Just a quick update that fixes a few small things, nothing critical in this release.  The biggest change in this release is the new spellchecker.  Previously we used a free external spell checking service, but this has now been replaced with an internal system. This will resolve a few issues and also make spell checking more efficient.  There is also a few fixes to notifications that should improve parent communication.


  • [SA-939] - Added default UPS setup to initial install.
  • [SA-1019] - Dashboard text box components not able to link to other text boxes.


  • [SA-944] - Added account.login support to PC School UPS.
  • [SA-947] - Fixed PC School healthcheck​.
  • ​​[SA-1006] - Fixed Schoolbox timetable so it shows start time.


  • [SA-725] - Added NanoSpell checker to editor, fixes issues with some browsers and provides improved spell checking.
  • [SA-600] - Fixed full timetable not highlighting current period.
  • [SA-679] - Fixed issue using drives file picker in non-https pages.


  • [SA-696] - Fixed issue where videos would be rotated because meta data and Schoolbox rotation did not align.


  • [SA-933] - Prevented due work with mark type of none saving results in Synergetic markbook.


  • [SA-298] - Fixed issue where parents would sometimes not receive notifications when class page was updated.
  • [SA-597] - Fixed issue where sometimes unfollow rules would affect pages other than the page unfollowed.
  • [SA-559] - Added a number to the mobile phone notifications indicating unread messages.


  • [SA-924] - Fixed issue when pastoral events imported from Synergetic did not have a category.


  • [SA-929] - SKC: Remove the 'Feedback and Support' link from the footer on  policy page.
  • [SA-931] - SPC: Customise main navigation menu.
  • [SA-563] - MGS: Fixed staff directory displays blurred photos.
  • [SA-670] - Meriden: Updates to continuous report.