Release 16.0.9

By James Leckie in Release Notes

Hi All

Just letting you know the latest release of Schoolbox is now being prepared to be released.  This is quite a major update to make sure everything is working nicely before the meetup.  In particular there is a large amount of fixes for notifications in the LMS area. We also updated the calendar system and fixed many background process issues.  The whole development team looks forward to seeing you at the meetup.  


  • SA-605 Fixed UPS rules with conditions containing brackets in the name do not save, such as Campus(es) Code(s)
  • SA-603 Fixed issue with large UPS logs can run out of memory
  • SA-588 Fixed security injection vulnerability in admin list modify (only exploitable by superusers, so impact is minor)
  • SA-578 Fixed so you cannot set both instant email and digest email, one is enough
  • SA-560 Fixed plagscan handling of invalid response from 3rd party
  • SA-439 Fixed cron jobs creating bad templates that would lead to strange issues creating blogs for example
  • SA-437 Fixed UPS fails with an empty error message in some cases due to username issues
  • SA-401 Added start and end date customisation to markbook sync CLI tool
  • SA-331 Fixed accordion on message settings page can collapse multiple areas
  • SA-222 Improved tooltip for "Apple Push Notification Service Certificate Key


  • SA-641 Fixed cannot add calendar entry on iPad
  • SA-561 Fixed calendar export (Months To Go Back) admin setting does not effect the outputted data
  • SA-119 Fixed padding between modify and delete buttons in calendar modal


  • SA-610 Fixed modifying homepage news can clear the headline because headline is not properly escaped
  • SA-609 Fixed parents access to returned work
  • SA-475 Fixed user unable to login when there is a deleted user with the same username
  • SA-474 Fixed recording audio in chrome without HTTPS
  • SA-303 Fixed turning on inherit permissions now removes the class code
  • SA-279 Fixed default size for iframe embed


  • SA-644 Fixed quiz modify actions now all go to summary page
  • SA-608 Fixed raw marks not displayed after non-submitted quiz
  • SA-569 Fixed student submissions using the online editor can be lost if you submit before a draft is saved
  • SA-173 Access to grade report for archived teacher course in Help

External Connectors

  • SA-682 LISS: Disabled actioning user changes in LISS connector
  • SA-678 PCSchools: Added healthcheck
  • SA-584 Schoolbox: Fixed timetable sequence not sorted correctly
  • SA-482 Fixed viewing child's Due work from profile throws an Invalid object name 'tblSubject' error
  • SA-325 Fixed timetable periods without a start or end show the current time
  • SA-309 HumanEdge: Fixed some teachers are attached to classes they don't teach
  • SA-555 Added the due date into the markbook sync to Synergetic


  • SA-456 Fixed quiz submitted sending to all staff
  • SA-356 Fixed teacher alerted to student submission as "resubmitted"
  • SA-349 Fixed student receives notification intended for parent when quiz expiry reached
  • SA-347 Fixed issue when a quiz closes no notification sent
  • SA-297 Fixed issue showing duration left for submission in notification

Resource Booking

  • SA-581 Fixed resource booking shows in calendar Subscriptions when not enabled


  • SA-675 CIS: Fixed sync fails to run because of bad date of birth
  • SA-619 CIS: Fixed sync only running once per day
  • SA-557 CIS: Added contact info update button
  • SA-648 KDS: Change "My Groups" to "My Pages"
  • SA-640 StPatricks: Fixed set staff roles based on data in CSV during sync
  • SA-639 SOC: Set campus only on create in sync
  • SA-615 STK: Create report listing screen
  • SA-611 RLC: Changed network drive URLS
  • SA-586 SMAGS: Re-add resources icon to tab bar
  • SA-488 SCS: Update sync script to handle prep
  • SA-438 SIM: Update email banner

Feature Image: Phyllorhiza punctata Lendenfeld, 1884. By Nhobgood Nick Hobgood (original photograph), Papa Lima Whiskey (derivative edit). Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.
