New Schoolbox Instance Sharing Space!

By Chris Durante in Inspiration

We have launched a new Instance Sharing Space!
This space allows you to view, share, and comment on examples of persona dashboards, class pages, course/unit pages and group pages
Schools are always asking to see examples of how other schools use Schoolbox. So here is that opportunity!
Click the Instance Sharing Space Tile from your Regional User Group Page on the right-hand side, or click the image below to check it out now.

Instance Tile

Get Involved
Explore - Browse through a diverse collection of shared examples.
Share - Add your own examples using the provided links.
Engage - Comment on posts and connect with other users.
We’ve also included samples from our Schoolbox team to provide even more inspiration.

Join us in making the Instance Sharing Space a dynamic hub of creativity and collaboration. 
Let’s innovate together!

