Release 16.0.8

By James Leckie in Release Notes

Hi All

Our latest release is now deployed to all servers on v16.0.  The most important fixes included in this release relate to the creation of tasks in IE11.  In addition we also fixed a display issue on the student due work page that potentially was showing the incorrect teachers for classes. 


  • [SA-409] - Fixed timetable colour picker so it saves in correct format
  • [SA-433] - Altered 'Forgotten Password Email Content' options to refer to reset, rather than password
  • [SA-434] - Removed unsubscribe from email username/password reset email template
  • [SA-544] - Fixed display of Synergetic year and semester order


  • [SA-181] - Fixed alignment when importing pushing assessments
  • [SA-444] - Fixed issue viewing analytics page when a student with results had been deleted
  • [SA-473] - Fixed rendering of classes on student due work page (showing duplicate and incorrect teachers)
  • [SA-486] - Fixed cannot upload task in course builder for IE11
  • [SA-550] - Recovered files linked to tasks in course builder
  • [SA-565] - Fixed issue displaying corrupt rubric

Resource Booking

  • [SA-472] - Fixed resources booking calendar showing a never ending spinner when the resource has a timetable code that does not exist

External Connectors

  • [SA-552] - Added ability to show timetabled room bookings in resource booking to Denbigh connector
  • [SA-545] - Fixed LISS sync to handle latest Edval
  • [SA-577] - Fixed issue with trailing whitespace on class codes in Synergetic


  • [SA-547] - STK: Add reports button to skin
  • [SA-542] - SMAGS: Remove My Files and Resources from top bar
  • [SA-479] - JPC: Altered field names on student profile

Feature image: Bluestriped fangblenny. By Jenny (JennyHuang) from Taipei. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
