Release 16.0.6

By James Leckie in Release Notes

Hi Everyone

Wow, what a massive update.  We got so much done in the last week.  Lots of little custom jobs, we are trying to get through the backlog, sorry for keeping many of you waiting. The items to look out for in this release are mostly the features we improved.  For admins there are improved diagnostics available via the database healthcheck, you can access this by clicking on the name of your database on your admin dashboard. If you are having problems with your SIS this is the first thing to check.  We also added the FileYear and FileSemester to the modify user page for Synergetic users. We always get support calls around this time when teachers get pinned in last semester. My personal favourite (why didn't we have this all along) admin feature is that you can now impersonate a user directly from the search results. For general users we received feedback that the slideshow was not adaptable enough to your images, so we have added to new ratios; panorama and banner.  For students, now when you see a due work event in the calendar it will link to the actual due work details rather than its homepage which should make it much easier to hand that work in on time. 


  • SA-392 Added random image start to dashboard image slideshow
  • SA-189 UPS: Add parent to all child campuses will now set default campus to highest child's year
  • SA-268 UPS: Fixed issue saving rules when there was many
  • SA-388 UPS: Improved error message to correctly reference external mail flag
  • SA-376 UPS + TASS: Fixed issue where parents were not being found any more
  • SA-379 Fixed issue where markbook sync sends data with no class code if class not found
  • SA-115 Fixed issue where class codes bulk loaded via CSV may have leading or ending spaces causing them to not work
  • SA-269 Fixed deleted user still appears in role list/report
  • SA-372 Allow database backups to complete despite warnings that views are invalid
  • SA-389 Added healthcheck report on database connection
  • SA-389 Added Synergetic FileSemester diagnostic to user modify page
  • SA-389 Added quick impersonate link from search results
  • SA-357 Fatal error: Sending message via admin 'Users' page


  • SA-266 Fixed profile icons not displaying correctly in IE11
  • SA-256 Improved default height and width when embeddding iframes in editor


  • SA-386 Added panorama and banner ratios to image slideshow to help remove whitespace on wide images
  • SA-369 Removed manage course buttons from student view
  • SA-394 Fixed 'Add to My Links' for students
  • SA-362 Added support for Clickview videos with start and end times
  • SA-167 Retain source permissions when linking tiles


  • SA-287 Added link to work details from due work calendar event popup
  • SA-284 Fixed class list link from submissions page when code contains special characters


  • SA-383 Fixed quick event creation, event will now appear immediately and page does not require refresh


  • SA-267 TASS: Fixed issue where all students appeared in a class when no teachers were set
  • SA-291 Worked around push notifications issue if one IOS was bad, all messages would fail
  • SA-334 Synergetic: Fixed issue marking attendance when user has multiple timetable definitions available
  • SA-395 Schoolbox: Fixed issue showing parent contact details when parent IDs were emails (Aquinas) 


  • SA-254 Fixed notification when modifying group calendar events


  • SA-358 MGGS:Fixed bell times sending message continuously in the morning for 5 minutes
  • SA-168 MGGS: Fixed storybook autologin redirect
  • SA-255 MGGS: Add new staff network drive
  • SA-179 JPC: Added admin config option to allow staff photos to show to parents but not students
  • SA-278 JPC: Courses button added back to main navigation
  • SA-239 JPC: Update Support and Feedback URL in footer
  • SA-367 ACCAC: Updated mark attendance link to eminerva
  • SA-292 ACCAC: Remove resource icon from skin
  • SA-380 StMichaels,SOC,Shore,Bialik,SLC,Arden,Moriah: Reinstate custom logo in email digest
  • SA-393 SHORE: Set 'My Files' to load in new window
  • SA-363 DIO: Staff directory photos appearing twice
  • SA-289 Shore: MyFiles no longer redirecting to the correct locations
  • SA-377 TPS: Place medical data in modal, rather than on screen
  • SA-276 IC: Create "Reports" link on Student profile that links to Synergetic
  • SA-244 StAidans: Remove 'My Files' tab
  • SA-400 Kings: Only housemasters with permission moderate send emails to parents

Feature image: English: Planctonic polychaete worm from genus Tomopteris. By uwe kils. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.
