Release 16.0.5

By James Leckie in Release Notes

Hi All

The latest release of Schoolbox is now available.  It has been deployed to your servers automatically.  Highlights of this release include several fixes for the course builder when dealing with deleted units.  We have also improved the handling of due dates when importing courses.  Overall there are no major breaking issues resolved by this release, and it seems the 16 series is now becoming increasingly stable and this release further refines that stability.  For those that may have been holding off to v16, now would be a great time to get on board.  


  • [SA-157] - Repaired File Types report in Engagement
  • [SA-217] - Prevented UPS from creating users without a role
  • [SA-242] - Don't allow edit of not yet selected text box in dashboard template
  • [SA-248] - Removed profile image from group modify page if > 100 members


  • [SA-124] - Fixed a case where the last button on top nav doesn't show at some screen sizes


  • [SA-208] - Fixed permissions for classes with multiple class codes
  • [SA-259] - Fixed selection of folders which contain quote marks when selecting image gallery source


  • [SA-162] - Restored call to action on ePortfolio showcased work page


  • [SA-243] - Fixed display of multiple campus timetables for staff


  • [SA-237] - Fixed display of carriage returns in rubric descriptors
  • [SA-274] - Fixed display of selected rubric descriptor in print view


  • [SA-142] - Fixed error displayed when finalising editing of survey
  • [SA-265] - Fixed question bank top level indicating it accepts questions


  • [SA-131] - Fixed setting of late date and validation on due work when importing a course
  • [SA-163] - Fixed course task image preview not using in built image transcoder, images will now be rotated correctly
  • [SA-209] - Fixed error on course modify page when a folder in the course has been deleted
  • [SA-263] - Fixed error on class page when course outline contains a deleted unit

Learning Analytics

  • [SA-245] - Fixed course level learning analytics displaying incorrect data

External Connectors

  • [SA-155] - Edumate: prevented fatal error at end of UPS run
  • [SA-158] - TASS: prevented UPS creating accounts for deceased parents
  • [SA-204] - Synergetic: fixed issue with community portal password reset
  • [SA-230] - TASS: fixed Staff Directory showing empty variables
  • [SA-253] - HumanEdge: fixed email of parents from students in class list


  • [SA-220] - MS: repaired legacy parent dashboard template
  • [SA-223] - JPC: removed legacy custom library template
  • [SA-224] - MS: fixed eReport not displaying previous year's pastoral marks
  • [SA-235] - DSFG: added student id to links in My Daughter component


Feature image: A whitecoat, or juvenile, harp seal swims gracefully in icy water. Brian Skerry for National Geographic. 
