Register - NSW/ACT 2023 User Forum

By Chris Durante in General, Community

Hi everyone,
The Eventbrite registration page is now open for our NSW/ACT User Forum.
Click HERE to register. You will be asked a couple of quick questions along the way which will help us plan the day.

Details in case you missed previous communications:

When - Thursday 11th May, 9am - 2.30pm
Where - Loreto Kirribilli, 85 Carabella St, Kirribilli
Cost - Free

Draft agenda:

  • Feature Focus - exploring current & new features in Schoolbox, and their application across your school
  • School sharing - hear from other schools, share your achievements, learn from others and engage in conversations
  • Online Teacher Course - hear about & see our new and improved OTC and all it has to offer
  • Schoolbox Roadmap - what is on the horizon for Schoolbox and how you can provide insight & feedback into what is important for you

We hope to see you there. Please share this invite with your Schoolbox champions, IT managers, marketing & communications & e-Learning leaders and Executive Leadership Team members.

Kind regards,
Chris Durante
