Release 16.0.1

By James Leckie in Release Notes

Today we have launched the first patch for v16, a week after its initial release.  This fixes several important issues discovered since the release and also closes off a few things that were left behind when we went gold. The major issues resolved in this update primarily affect the LMS.  A critical issue with rubrics was preventing indicators from displaying when used multiple times.  This fix has been backported to 15.6.17 as well as included in this release.  It had the potential to corrupt or lose data so it was critical we deployed to all servers as quickly as possible.  Additionally this release fixes the ability to download student submissions and returns the indicators to the learning analytics report.  


  • SB-12574 Added pastoral synergetic perms to the healthcheck
  • SB-11826 Fixed invalid AMQP credentials creates unavoidable error
  • SB-12252 Ensured usernames are unique when saving users (UPS, CSV or Manual)
  • SB-10593 Enabled the ability to customise the My Students component heading
  • SB-12541 After adding a user remain on the user modify page
  • SB-12560 Fixed user accounts not automatically enabled when individual users are added


  • SB-12540 Increased amount of accounts that are visible in linked accounts from 18 to 54
  • SB-11227 Human Edge: Fixed setting Due Work due date on timetable period
  • SB-12202 Human Edge: Improve student contacts filtering on profile page
  • SB-12165 Fixed date inputs so dates afterwards always are greater than the start date
  • SB-12486 Avoid using all caps for bold text in emails
  • SB-12532 Fixed pastoral care link missing from search results in some cases
  • SB-12561 Fixed firefox styling randomly setting indents


  • SB-12559 Fixed calendar dashboard display issue when event is multiple days and dashboard is showing multiple days


  • SB-12553 Fixed ability to delete files in resource browser


  • SB-12576 Fixed fatal error on homepage containing blog component with no owner


  • SB-12488 *CRITICAL* - Fixed issue where rubric indicators would disappear if used twice
  • SB-12570 *IMPORTANT* Fixed unable to download individual student submission as a teacher
  • SB-12506 Fixed criteria report missing from learning analytics
  • SB-12531 Fixed fatal error on dashboard from when work has been submitted to teachers
  • SB-12547 Fixed course list fails if a course's parent folder does not exist
  • SB-12554 Fixed submission states with forward slashes
  • SB-12525 Removed empty island when no courses available

Resource Booking

  • SB-12584 Fixed an issue populating the timetable onto resources
  • SB-6820 Modifying a resource will now return you to the resources page, rather than the resource list
  • SB-12556 Fixed redirection after completing a booking


  • Please make sure you have execute permission set on spswkAttendances this was changed in 16 from spswkAttendances_ws
  • SB-12539 Fixed incorrect logic used in date comparison with Show In Calendar Threshold value


  • SB-12391 & SB-12565 Fixed fatal error when sending notifications following a quiz attempt
  • SB-12398 Fixed fatal error when commenting on grades


  • SB-12534 DSFG: Achievement report stop scrolling to location in report
  • SB-12546 DSFG: Achievement report add NSN to Achievement Report and Grades Page
  • SB-12538 SLMP: Added reports tab for parents
  • SB-12548 Moriah Moved cohort statistics into custom folder

