Further Ideas around HSC Trial & Exam delivery

By Chris Durante in General, Community

Good morning all.
I can appreciate the madness that would be going in schools required to move to online examinations at the moment.
I have been receiving both questions and ideas from a number of schools these last few days as well as following forums such as MITIE. Thank you to the many involved.
I have summarised some key work flows that may help in your planning for HSC Trial, Year 11 exams and god forbid Term 4 7-10 yearlys!

  • Using Adobe full version, exams can be PDF'd with printing, copying etc disallowed
  • Those same docs can be housed in G-drive or OneDrive, with extra security on them ie no download, print, copy (Onedrive has a timeout setting as well)
  • In Schoolbox Due Work, use the open/publish and close/late dates and times to make the task available. From here I would then provide students a link to the doc above (don't add the doc itself to the task)
  • This Due Work could in fact be part of a Project, that has a Task associated with it where students tick a completion to confirm they are agreeing to 'do the right thing' (I am sure you can write up what your school expects here)
    NB - if you didn't want this extra 'Task' item, in LMS policy in your admin area, there is a 'Student Authenticity Declaration Terms' setting that will pop up when students submit in Schoolbox.
  • At this point students could complete effectively a pen and paper exam, that is then photographed and submitted via the Due Work submission process.
  • After submission I would recommend removing access to the PDF doc completely.

Invigilation, Proctoring etc

  • All students could be in a Zoom/Stream/Meets meeting for monitoring.
    Further monitoring could be done if you require all students to download Zoom on their phones, join the exam/meeting on this second device, and position their phone in their space for further monitoring for the invigilator.

Lock-down Browsers

  • To provide further confidence, schools have looked into exam.net, respondus etc as per my previous post. Exam.net for example provides other capabilities around submission and QR codes etc. They have been very supportive of a number of Schoolbox schools over the weekend that required a quick delivery of a full solution. Schoolbox does not have an integration per se however linking between systems is fairly easily achieved regardless. The same could be said for Education Perfect if you have a subscription - potentially more relevant for 7-10 testing.


  • If anonymous marking is a requirement (after all the extra requirements above) this can be done in Schoolbox via the Blind Review process. There are some caveats to this process that are worth discussing if this is a priority and seen as critical.

If you need further assistance, please let us/me know. It would be great to hear how your school is navigating this space. Please comment below as appropriate.

