Schoolbox Version 16 - Gold Release

By Matt Sambell in General

Hey there,

We are excited to announce our Schoolbox v16 major release is complete and ready for install on all servers.

A big shout-out to our active user community and their contributions in our ideas forums at Thank you for helping to guide our product journey. You will be pleased to see these great new features:

  • Course Workflow — Build new courses quickly without the need to use the resource browser. Push courses to multiple classes, ensuring correct ownership and dates are applied across your entire cohort.
  • Pastoral Care System (Elite plan only) — Track student wellbeing and issues, notify teachers and parents and generate pastoral care reports across the entire school.
  • User Group Provisioning (Elite plan only) — Manage group membership easily based on SIS data which dynamically adds users to groups, reducing manual management of memberships.
  • Permission Inheritance — Simplify role and group permissions with automatic control, making the job of administration easier.
  • Many other minor changes.

View the full v16 release notes.
