Remote Learning Attendance Marking

By Chris Durante in Learning, Community

Hi everyone,
A couple of schools have come forward wondering if Schoolbox could be used in any way to help facilitate attendance marking during remote learning.
We aren't the student management system - however - given Schoolbox would be one of the more student and parent facing components of remote delivery we may have some processes that could help teachers.
Last year we made a series of instructional videos where we showed schools how setting up a course, with daily tasks with a very quick student (or parent) self-assessment, and pushing this course to classes and/or group pages across the school, attendance could be tracked.
If you are looking for a way, check this series of steps below:
In order...

Video 1 - Setting up an Attendance Course
Video 2 - Importing the Attendance Course to a Class Page
Video 3 - Students marking their own attendance (or parents on a group page on behalf of their children)
Video 4 - Using the Markbook to View attendance
Video 5 - Reimporting the Attendance Course for Multiple Use

Let us know if you need further assistance.
