Remote Learning Tips and Links

By Chris Durante in Learning, Community

Hi everyone,
For those schools about to head into a period of remote learning and delivery, I have put together a few (not too many!) links mostly from Schoolbox Help that may assist either Schoolbox leaders and/or teachers.

  • If you are a Superuser, now could be a good time to make sure all your teachers have access to Schoolbox Help - (Admin>User Management>Schoolbox Help or in V21 in Admin search for 'Help')
  • Once in Help for teachers, click through to the Personal page and then Teacher or go straight there via this URL

Remember the 101s of remote learning & delivery - a mix of synchronous and asynchronous tools..

Asynchronous Delivery & Connection

Tasks - easy for smaller tasks set for students to complete and self assess to keep them on track and still allow some tracking on the part of teachers

Collaboration Components - Blogs, Forums, Social Streams, Polls Surveys, Wiki, News

Learning Moments - particularly for younger years, keeping parents engaged and connected with expectations. Enabling this for parents (Admin > System Settings > Policy) could more easily facilitate sharing of work and achievements from home to school for K-3.

Due Work - setting Due Work for senior students

Kami Inline Grader - inline feedback on submitted Due Work

Synchronous Delivery and Connection

Zoom - Guide for setting up Zoom in Schoolbox and creating specific class meetings

Teams - Guide for setting up Teams in Schoolbox and creating specific class meetings

Google Files Component (V21.0)

Best wishes and please yell out if you need any assistance whatsoever.
