Schoolbox Online Teacher Course & NESA Accreditation

By Chris Durante in Learning

Dear NSW Schoolbox user,
You may have been made aware as was Schoolbox that on November 30, all NESA endorsed providers as well as the registration of professional development for teachers changed without notice.
Schoolbox was affected, as were schools that spent many hours becoming NESA accredited centres.
In short, our Online Teacher Training Course (OTTC) lost it's accreditation. If your teachers are part-way through completing the course they have until Feb 1, 2021 to complete this to receive the NESA accredited hours, so that Schoolbox staff can assess and send these results through to NESA by Feb 5, 2021.
NESA has also indicated the maintenance requirements for teachers will also be changing. The full details of these changes has yet to be provided by NESA but they have indicated this will be communicated by the end of 2020. 

If this information is new to you and late in arriving I apologise. Many of us were caught unaware until recently.

Please share this with others in your school that may be part down the OTTC path.
I have attached the NESA official communication document that gives further explanation.

Please let me know if I can assist further in regards to the OTTC completion if your teachers are inconvenienced by this.

Chris Durante
