Release 15.6.12

By James Leckie in Release Notes

This release contains many fixes for external connectors and quite a few interface cleanups.  The most important issues resolved with this release are; parents can now view crocodoc annotations on student work made by the teacher.  We also created a work around for longstanding issue with Google drive that prevented uploading files with no extension in the name to Schoolbox.


  • [SB-11875] - Fixed link access counts in engagement report
  • [SB-11833] - Fixed user import CSV not setting default campus
  • [SB-11670] - HumanEdge: Fixed parent/student relations
  • [SB-11870] - HumanEdge: Fixed student/class relations
  • [SB-11672] - TASS: Fixed parent surname in UPS
  • [SB-11820] - TASS: Added more tables to healthcheck
  • [SB-11825] - TASS: Fixed ambiguous field errors caused by new TASS version
  • [SB-11899] - TASS: Fixed UPS staff active flag to be on if staff has a future termination date
  • [SB-11835] - Schoolpro: Fixed error being thrown in UPS


  • [SB-7660] - Fixed uploading of files without extension from Google Drive
  • [SB-11496] - Added labels to all switches
  • [SB-11909] - Replace pen icon on email screen with copy icon


  • [SB-10277] - Hid "Current Grade Average" header on student grade report, when grade average is hidden
  • [SB-9927] - Made download all submissions contain all files even for single upload only submission boxes
  • [SB-11642] - Repaired rubric repair script so it works for SEDA
  • [SB-11713] - Fixed import of some descriptors in rubric CSV
  • [SB-11752] - Fixed parents not being able to view crocodoc annotations
  • [SB-11843] - Replaced pen icon with criteria icon on the mark rubric action
  • [SB-11772] - Fixed XML escaping when importing cloze exercises
  • [SB-11776] - Fixed sort order when students have a mark that differs only by a fraction

Resource Booking

  • [SB-11755] - Fixed a javascript issue on some devices when attaching related resources to a resource


  • [SB-11768] - Improved styling of countdown timer
  • [SB-11815] - Prevented show blog comment button from expanding all comments in component

Boarder Leave

  • [SB-11852] - Fixed display of links to sections of boarder leave based on permissions


  • [SB-10375] - MS: Removed un-populated fields from student profile
  • [SB-11387] - SLMP: WebDAV setup
  • [SB-11526] - KAGS: Changed email digest background
  • [SB-11625] - MC: Removed old logo on feedback form
  • [SB-11704] - MGGS: Added smart redirect for StoryBox
  • [SB-11736] - SOC: Added My SOC Files to WebDAV 'adminDoc'
  • [SB-11761] - MC: Added link My Details to Community Portal
  • [SB-11819] - KAM: Added autologin to Study Skills Handbook
  • [SB-11873] - NGSL: Update WebDAV configuration