Superuser training - register for our workshop today!

By Bojana Lazarevska in General

Do some staff in your school need a little extra guidance to make the most of being a Superuser? The Superuser status is one that is coveted by many Schoolbox users, however, only a few can truly master it! This is why we’re hosting a Superuser training day at the Schoolbox office, because we know that in-person training is the best way to understand the role and the responsibilities that come with it. 

This session will provide you with an opportunity to skill up as a Schoolbox Superuser, familiarise yourself with the new features of the administration system, and refresh your knowledge if you’ve been a Superuser for a while. There's something for everyone, so make sure you register today.

Attending this event will ensure that you are able to make the most of being a Superuser and will prepare you to tackle the Schoolbox system head on. 


Location: The Schoolbox Offices | Alaress Pty. Ltd. Level 6, 697 Burke Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
Date: Friday, July 20, 2018
Price: $150 + GST
Time: 2 PM - 4 PM
Payment options

We hope you take advantage of this fantastic opportunity!

The Schoolbox team
