Did you know: Embedding in the Text Editor

By Bojana Lazarevska in General

Did you know that the text editor component is one of the most versatile tools in Schoolbox? Not only can you change the colour, style and format of text, you can also add a table, insert quotes, add media and (drum roll please) embed content from other sources (e.g: Google docs, YouTube, educational websites, and more). 

This super handy option means that students won’t have to visit external pages for the information they need - you can embed the content straight to your page!


So, what can you embed?

There are lots of things you can embed to enrich the learning of your students:

1. External Websites

We all know how frustrating it can be when you want to direct students to a website and they have to open a new tab to participate. Well this is a reality no longer! As long as the website is allowed in your security settings, it’s simple for you to embed them into the text box component. Simply copy and paste the URL into the text editor. 

In the example below, we’ve embedded educational app, ClassDojo, straight into the text box, which means that you will be able to access the game-based learning platform straight from the class page! 


All we did was copy and paste the ClassDojo link in the text editor. Please note that a Superuser has to ensure the external website link is included in the “Safe iFrame Sources” list in the Security settings in the Administration system prior to use, otherwise the website will not embed. If you’re having trouble embedding certain websites in the text editor, check in with a Superuser at your school. 

2. Google Docs and Google Sheets

Google Docs are a popular source to embed in the text box, and these can be embedded either as locked content that can’t be edited, or as an editable document. Editable Google Docs are great for collaboration, since shared users are able to access the document, and make suggestions and/or comments.

Likewise, you can embed Google Sheets in much the same way as Google Docs - for instructions on how to do this, head to the dedicated Schoolbox Help page.

3. YouTube Videos

It’s super easy to embed YouTube videos into the text editor - simply copy the link and paste it in the text box. Videos can be both educational and keep students engaged, so it’s good to include them where you can. The best part is, students won’t have to navigate away from the class page to access the video, which is super convenient and helps to keep them on track - how nifty is that?

4. Google Street View and Maps

One of our personal favourites, Google street view photo spheres, look awesome when embedded in a text editor. They can be really engaging and educational - win-win. All you need to do is find the sphere you wish to embed, and copy and paste its link straight into the text editor! How cool is that? You can also embed Google maps in the same way.


5. Images

This probably won’t come as a shock to you, but you can embed images in our text editor. Images are great at breaking up long pieces of text, and help support instructional information as well, since students often process images much faster than text. 

So, now that you know all the various things you can embed in the text editor, why not give it a go in your pages today? Feel free to share some of your examples in our Schoolbox Help Inspiration forums.  
