Superuser Refresher Training - Onsite

By Duane Cox in General



Do some staff in your school need a little extra guidance to master their Schoolbox Superuser status? Your school may have undergone some transitions in IT staff, you might have a new eLearning Coordinator, or maybe some other staff are ready to step up and take on more responsibility for managing your school's instance. Whatever the reason, we've got your back!

This session will provide you with an opportunity to skill up as a Schoolbox Superuser, update your knowledge on the new features of the administration system, or just give you an opportunity to refresh your knowledge. Attending this event will ensure that you are able to make the most of your Superuser status, without causing "unexpected problems".


Location: The Schoolbox offices | Alaress Pty Ltd, Level 6, 697 Burke Rd, Camberwell Victoria

Date: Friday, 20th of July, 2018

Price: $150 + GST

Maximum Attendees: 25

Session Duration: 2 Hours

Payment Options:

