Find out more about self-reflection and self-assessment!

By Ren Downing in General

We've had lots of great questions about how to use self-reflection and self-assessment. We love your questions, so we've put together a great FAQ to answer them. That way everyone can see the answers to all these questions, and the cool things our users are doing with this feature.


Can students complete self-reflection and self-assessment if I didn’t choose it when I first created the due work?

Yes, you can modify the due work from the course outline to add the self-reflection and self-assessment feature. Students can then re-submit to the due work, as long as the late date for the submission has not passed and as long as you have allowed multiple submissions for the due work.

Can students complete self-reflection and self-assessment at a separate time from their original submission? For instance, after I have published my feedback.

Yes, as long as the late date for the submission has not passed, and as long as you are allowing multiple submissions to the due work. We recommend keeping the due date as the date the original submission is due, so that students and parents can see accurate due dates in the system.

To complete the self-reflection and self-assessment separately, students can just leave it blank during the first submission. They will then resubmit at a later date to fill in the self-reflection and self-assessment.

Can I create a separate due work just for the self-reflection and self-assessment?

Yes, you could create a separate due work, as long as it is clear that it is for self-reflection and self-assessment and you allow online submissions. We recommend the students use the “I’ve submitted my work online” tick box so they don’t need to create a submission for the second due work.

Can I use self-reflection and self-assessment as part of a conversation between the student and teacher about the development of the work?

Yes, as long as you allow multiple submissions and the late date has not passed, the student and teacher can continue to submit and provide feedback respectively. All published submissions, self-reflection and self-assessment, and published teacher feedback is recorded in the due work’s submission history. This is available to teachers, students, and parents.


If you're still unsure...

If you're still puzzled about the self-reflection and self-assessment workflow, you can check out our new guide, which takes you through the workflow from the teacher and student perspectives.
