Did you know: Schoolbox Cover Images

By Bojana Lazarevska in Inspiration

Did you know that you can add a cover image to your homepages and folders? Cover images not only look great, but they also boost engagement from users. They’re fun and clickable, so by adding them to your pages, you can easily direct people to a component. 

Your cover image can be a colour, but looks best when an appropriate image is used. Your cover can display in several places: 

  • The folders component, when a grid view is selected:


  • The My Classes or My Groups dashboard components:


  • The My Classes or My Groups landing pages:


  • The resource browser (as a thumbnail):


A cover image will also make the component look more distinguishable and recognisable, so that when a user logs in, they can easily navigate to what they need. Plus, we just think they look awesome!

For information on how to add a cover image to a page, head to the dedicated Schoolbox Help page:  https://help.schoolbox.com.au/homepage/1488

We hope we’ve inspired you to get creative with your homepages and folders!

Until next time,
The Schoolbox team
