The Schoolbox v18 Release Candidate is now live!

By Bojana Lazarevska in Release Notes

We’re happy to say that the Release Candidate of the Schoolbox v18 release is now out and ready for testing.

Here at Schoolbox, we know that the little things often have the biggest impact, which is why our latest release features many of the most popular requests in our user forums. We would like to thank our active Schoolbox Help community for their ideas and continued contributions to our online forums!

Introducing the new updates to your team

First, make sure you familiarise yourself with the new features and updates by watching our v18 Webinar Walkthrough, where Technical Director, James Leckie, takes you through the upcoming release.

Then, please read all of our supporting documentation up on Schoolbox Help, including the v18:

A quick refresh on the v18 features:
We have previously outlined some of the standout features of this release, but just in case you missed it, here is a quick run-through of some of the most notable updates:

Assessment Differentiation and Participation
Teachers will now be able to differentiate assessment for individual or groups of students.

Student Self Reflection and Self Assessment
Critical thinking and self-reflection are key components of modern learning, which is why Schoolbox now supports teachers to implement assessments with self-reflection.

This can be as simple as a comment completed when the assessment is submitted, but is most effective when coupled with a rubric.

Feature Tours
It’s now easier than ever to get to know Schoolbox! Feature tours and guides will soon become a part of your Schoolbox induction. These tours will automatically appear the first time you open a new area of the system and give you a quick walkthrough of the features on the page.

Other changes and features
There’s plenty more to get excited about with this release. For further information about what additional features and updates are going into the next release, make sure you read the v18 Release Notes.

To receive the v18 Release Candidate update:

You will automatically receive pre-release updates of Schoolbox v18 on your dev server, during the beta period. Easy!

Speak soon,
The Schoolbox team
