Release 16.5.26

By Sam Bailey in Release Notes


  • SA-3381 Fixed deleted Roles incorrectly appearing as an option when modifying a user
  • SA-3669 Fixed Dashboard configuration showing deleted Roles
  • SA-3850 Fixed parent group script to correctly ignore empty class codes
  • SA-3851 Fixed case where it is possible to modify a non-existent user
  • SA-3893 Fixed calendar cleanup page reporting some errors


  • SA-3476 Fixed timetable on calendar missing substitute classes from Synergetic


  • SA-3663 Fixed potential ability to soft delete more items than expected
  • SA-3798 Fixed email icons incorrectly appearing beside teachers with no email address on the student profile page
  • SA-3931 Fixed editor blocking use of arrow and delete keys in certain fields


  • SA-3909 Fixed links to class pages not appearing in the dashboard timetable component when SIS has no class description


  • SA-3772 Added access to the Homepage News RSS feed from the homepage menu


  • SA-2385 Added student access to project grades
  • SA-2466 Fixed grades average not taking into account project grades
  • SA-3785 Fixed Quizzes not correctly respecting the Grade Visibility setting
  • SA-3825 Fixed Survey breadcrumbs sometime sending you to a permission denied page
  • SA-3845 Fixed Synergetic markbook sync failing to properly truncate abbreviated assessment names
  • SA-3876 Fixed Learning Analytics arrow controls having reversed actions
  • SA-3907 Fixed access to the markbook for rolled over classes within the current term
  • SA-3929 Fixed Pending Assessment page incorrectly including deleted submissions


  • SA-3938 Fixed Pastoral Moderator filter using incorrect permissions


  • SA-3968 BBC: TASS UPS parent query change
  • SA-3922 LK: Hide all parents contact information on the parent profile page
  • SA-3668 SS: Changes to Staff directory
  • SA-3170 MGGS: Fixed missing browser page title on Mastery Report