Release 16.5.23

By James Leckie in Release Notes

This latest release of Schoolbox contains several fixes to ensure staff, students and parents can see grade information.  This was being blocked with some combinations of settings and policies.  This has now been all cleared up and we expect all the issues related to users accessing historical grade data should now be resolved.


  • SA-1471 Fixed issue synchronising marks from Schoolbox to Synergetic


  • SA-2626 Fixed progress indicator size when uploading to resources via drag drop
  • SA-3121 Fixed class code showing twice in some cases


  • SA-2585 Fixed issue when no parent emails are found in the class list
  • SA-2914 Fixed teacher list component to only find teachers, not parents
  • SA-3447 Fixed issue displaying when news source is empty
  • SA-3374 Fixed 'View All Top Visitors' shows a fatal error when filtering by date
  • SA-3271 Fixed fatal error on homepage when team that fixture component references is deleted


  • SA-3429 Fixed issue accessing grades for students as staff member
  • SA-3007 Adjusted automatic dates from assessment duration so projects are always visible
  • SA-3012 Fixed download all submissions can result in memory error if file is very large
  • SA-2996 Fixed closed quiz with “not submitted” attempts appears in teacher's not submitted list forever with no way to fix as students can no longer attempt
  • SA-3142 Fixed Publish button does not show up on list if multiple students need publishing
  • SA-3294 Fixed Hide Due Work from Parents toggle turns off parent access to feedback
  • SA-3326 Fixed visibility dropdown in assessment create/update form is not displaying the correct option
  • SA-3339 Fixed grades are not visible for classes you no longer have read access to as a student


  • SA-3171 Added hyperlink to showcased work title to link to assessment detail page


  • SA-3042 Fixed user breadcrumb from modify pastoral record missing ID
  • SA-3041 Fixed pastoral report should not create new tags


  • SA-3506 St Pauls: Add custom full calendar template