Release 16.5.22

By James Leckie in Release Notes

We are now beginning to prepare internally for the pending release of v17.0.  So this is a maintenance release to fix up any issues before our focus heads towards the v17.0 beta period.  Of particular note in this release is two fixes to the LMS Policy settings plus a change to the export format of markbook to avoid bugs in Excel handling of total mark strings.


  • SA-3242    Added CLI tool to automate folder recovery 
  • SA-3299    Added constrains on possible video timeout options, must be between 0 and 1 day
  • SA-3290    Fixed display of SAML errors in certain cases
  • SA-3238    Fixed calendar cleanup function
  • SA-3215    Fixed bulk import of folders so all component configs are correctly applied
  • SA-2939    Updated user API so that it now works with all new options


  • SA-2847    Fixed dashboard news component's limit function so it will limit per tab
  • SA-3000    Prevent folders in top level, with inherit permissions breaking the resource browser


  • SA-3301    Increased the size of the External ID field to handle full PCSchool user IDs
  • SA-3288    Synergetic: Fixed connector incorrectly assumes that the number of periods found is the number of the last period
  • SA-2861    TASS: Fixed parent contact details not using address blocks 4 & 5, resulting in incorrect details showing
  • SA-3239    PCSchools: Fixed viewing grades screen as a parent


  • SA-2437    Fixed exporting markbook shows total marks as dates in Excel in some cases by separating mark and total into two columns
  • SA-3412    Fixed 'Hide Work Details from Parents' policy setting does not remove details button from calendar
  • SA-3320    Fixed grade averages showing when "Display Grade Average" turned off in LMS Policy
  • SA-3284    Fixed importing curriculum when there is no existing curriculum
  • SA-3095    Fixed display of download annotated submission button when you do not have permission
  • SA-2882    Fixed display of tasks on project summary screen, now consistent with course outline
  • SA-2572    Fixed only one curriculum code could be saved on the course modify screen


  • SA-2664    Fixed issue with component counts and category layout when selecting components


  • SA-3249    Updated EOTC to support v16.5 schema

Sports Fixtures

  • SA-3030    Fixed unable to delete teams

Pastoral Care

  • SA-2365    Pastoral care record creation generating created and updated notifications 


  • SA-3405    Lauriston: Fixed iFrame detection failing due to erroneous whitespace
  • SA-3285    SLMP: Return Network Drives to working values again
  • SA-3244    CISPL: Added back to top function