Release 16.5.4

By James Leckie in Release Notes

Hi All

Another release already. We had two critical issues that needed to be addressed urgently.  So we are now doing two releases a day just to keep the bugs away.  The major issues resolved in this release was students accessing due work and you could not import courses in some cases.


  • SA-2280 Fixed empty state displaying after deleting a single item from the top menu
  • SA-2273 Fixed saving of sort order in side menu


  • SA-2192 Fixed attendance link showing when Synergetic attendance was disabled for that period


  • SA-2288 Fixed error being displayed to parents who have a student that has a deleted account
  • SA-2233 Improved rendering of top nav menu items, will always display as many icons as it can in top bar
  • SA-2187 More alphabetical sorting of homepage template lists
  • SA-1602 Added forum thread title to search
  • SA-1292 Fixed some inconsistent spacing after dot points in text
  • SA-485 Subjects in side navigation are now naturally sorted alphabetically


  • SA-2294 Fixed issue with homepage feed after adding a project
  • SA-2289 Fixed error being thrown when links component points to content the user cannot read


  • SA-2300 Fixed issue importing course into classes
  • SA-2297 Fixed error, invalid mark type when trying to modify a course
  • SA-2293 Fixed error when student tries to view due work with permission denied
  • SA-2286 Optimised query for fetching assessments in a folder
  • SA-2283 Fixed misspelled message when you hover over progress bar on pending assessments
  • SA-2147 Fixed students can not complete/redo quizzes if duration is exceed while they are away
  • SA-2142 Fixed students seeing activities that have yet to be published
  • SA-2127 Added notification popup when deleting activities and removed from list

​Sports Fixtures

  • SA-2153 Fixed layout of team in lobby