Release 16.5.3

By James Leckie in Release Notes

Hi All

As promised here is another release for early in this week.  This contains many of the customisations you asked for in the first week plus several critical fixes.  We are now starting to get most of the critical fixes resolved and moving into the second tier of issues that have a lower priority.


  • SA-2254 Fixed assignment of multiple groups in UPS raises an error
  • SA-1042 Fixed issue when uploading files without an extension as a superuser​​
  • SA-2186 Fixed renaming a homepage template
  • SA-2190 Made 'Hide Timetable' option does hide the Classes from the My Classes page
  • SA-2270 Fixed replaceable fields in URLs are being set on modify
  • SA-2279 Fixed displaying due work in engagement report
  • SA-2213 Fixed issues importing timetable with multiple campus


  • SA-2168 Fixed display issue for group admin on group members page


  • SA-2167 Fixed an error being thrown by due work with rubrics using total mark, but without marks in the rubric
  • SA-2205 Fixed issue when parents view Due Work
  • SA-2221 Fixed course outline to show units sorted by due date
  • SA-2255 Fixed parents unable to view the grades page
  • SA-2252 Fixed error on pending assessments screen when no work to display
  • SA-1445 Added popup notification when deleting assessments from course builder
  • SA-2065 Fixed Course List to sort alphabetically
  • SA-2084 Fixed issue when deleting a quiz would end up at a error page
  • SA-2223 Fixed markbook would throw an error if quizzes had been reviewed but not finished, all reviewed quizzes are now closed
  • SA-2239 Fixed redirection following creation of a new task
  • SA-2240 Fixed pending assessments so it only shows assessments you have permission to edit


  • SA-344 Fixed notifications when adding and removing people from groups


  • SA-2189 Fixed image component so it will auto select the image you just uploaded
  • SA-2248 Fixed display of yet to visit users that were repeating


  • SA-1965 JPC: Add Links to Synergetic
  • SA-1966 Lauriston: Customised Student Profiles
  • SA-2163 TIGS: Add deep links to student profile and my students