Update 16.5.1

By James Leckie in Release Notes

Hi Everyone

Just a quick update following our gold release of 16.5.0 to patch up issues discovered while rolling this out to live schools.


  • SA-2094 Fixed top menu form validation fails to allow URLS with port numbers
  • SA-2085 Fixed admin home screen slow to load
  • SA-2083 Fixed setting custom font in skin config breaks Schoolbox icons
  • SA-2086 Fixed fatal errors upon bulk loading folders
  • SA-2093 Fixed deleted Side Menu items still appearing
  • SA-2087 Fixed UPS fails to run in active mode
  • SA-2077 Reduced the size of the top bar icons
  • SA-2067 Fixed issue with sessions from before the update causing a whitescreen for users


  • SA-1974 Fixed input placeholder text looks like a real value
  • SA-2062 Fixed curriculum code linking reference to 'folder' when attaching to quiz or due work
  • SA-2072 Error accessing news in deleted category


  • SA-2063 Fixed in some cases the textbox title config was not installed correctly


  • SA-2106 Fixed updating an event would remove campus


  • SA-2074 Fixed issue when over marking a quiz to greater than 100%
  • SA-2116 Fixed Pending Assessment Screen breaks for non-numeric external IDs​
  • SA-1508 Fixed unable to view submissions from old pre 16.5 notifications
  • SA-1555 Fixed quizzes so they open in an hour from now
  • SA-2068 Added component actions to student profile and search
  • SA-2082 Fixed empty state appears with margin on pending assessments page
  • SA-2096 Fixed error when loading pending assessments

Sports Fixtures

SA-2111 Fixed issue when bulk loading matches that assumes sports are set


SA-1978 BBC: SSO Deep link Integration for TASS
