Release 16.0.20

By Sam Bailey in Release Notes

A couple of new things for your holiday fun. Individual users added to news posts will now correctly receive notifications. In addition, Text box components can now have their own heading so you can set the heading in your homepage templates.


  • SA-1463 Fix submission states page in admin does not display the correct default for new submissions
  • SA-1579 Fix fatal error when accessing a user who has been deleted in the usage report
  • SA-1636 Improve access to the Folder import template by changing it back to a download button


  • SA-1141 DoubleFirst: Fix primary timetable period names showing incorrectly


  • SA-1273 Fix individual users set on school news items not receiving notifications
  • SA-1585 Fix a potential case where a notification may not be sent at all due to dropped database connections on time-out


  • SA-1607 Add heading as a configuration option for text box and image components
  • SA-1390 Fix Group Members component not sorting people alphabetically by surname
  • SA-1528 Fix image gallery buttons being inaccessible when empty


  • SA-1347 Fix parents may view another student's due work page


  • SA-1070 SHCL: Change Network Drive paths
  • SA-1561 SOHCS: Set up Network Drive configuration
  • SA-1565 MC: Hide the Box and Whiskers button
  • SA-1477 MS: eReport pulling through incorrect data