Interactive Worksheets


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The interactive worksheets allow you, as a school staff, to supply a worksheet to your students online via Due Work. They also help you monitor student worksheet progress in real-time across the entire class.

These interactive worksheets are digitally linked and enabled with live interaction and collaboration. You can also select any student to interact with their document before and after submission.

Schoolbox helps each student get their own copy of the worksheet to edit and submit when completed. Students and school staff can interact in real-time, allowing constructive feedback during assessment development.

To set up and use the interactive worksheets:


Set up interactive worksheets for your school (as a Superuser)

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As a Superuser, you must enable the interactive worksheets to set it up for your school.

To do this:

  1. In Schoolbox, go to Administration > Modules > Home, and enable Kami.
  2. Select Save for the changes to take effect.
    You’ve now enabled the interactive worksheets and set it up for your school.   

Set up interactive worksheets for your class (as a school staff)

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As a school staff, you can now use an interactive worksheet when you create due work for your students.

You can create due work and attach interactive worksheets in two ways:

  1. Create or modify Due Work on a Unit Page - you must select Interactive worksheet as the type of submission in step 11 and then attach a worksheet to supply a document for students to work from.
  2. Create or modify a Due Work Item on a Class page - you must select Interactive worksheet as the type of submission in step 9 and then attach a worksheet to supply a document for students to work from.

    Note - You can use these file formats when you upload a worksheet:
    • .doc
    • .docx
    • .ppt
    • .pptx
    • .xls
    • .xlsx
    • .odt
    • .odp
    • .ods
    • .jpeg
    • .gif
    • .tiff
    • .png
    • .pages
    • .key
    • .numbers

      The due work you’ve created will appear for your class to work on and submit.

      You’ve now set up an interactive worksheet for your class to use.

Use interactive worksheets (as a student)

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Once your school staff has set up the interactive worksheet for your due work, you, as a student, can start working on it.

Any edits or changes that you make will be visible for you and your school staff to interact via the class page (before you submit it).

You will receive real-time responses from your school staff on your worksheet. This helps in clear communication and improves your due work submission.

As a student, to use interactive worksheets:

  1. In Schoolbox, go to your class homepage and select your due work.
    Your due work page opens.
  2. Next, select Create submission.
    The interactive worksheet for your due work opens.
  3. Work on your worksheet. 
    Note - See Kami to learn how to use the tools on your interactive worksheet.

    Your worksheet is now visible for your school staff who can interact with you while you’re working on it.

    You’ve now been able to use interactive worksheets to do your due work.

Interact in real-time with student worksheets (as a school staff)

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As a school staff, you can review, check progress, as well as interact on a student’s worksheet at the same time while your student is working on it (before completing their submission). You can watch how your entire class is progressing with their worksheets.

To interact in real-time with your student’s worksheets before they submit it: 

  1. Go to the course outline of your class.
  2. Next, select the 3-dot menu icon3-dot Menu Iconfor the due work.
  3. Then, select Class View
    The interactive worksheet for this class opens.
    Note - Alternatively, you can also select View Status to see the class view.

    You can scroll your page horizontally to see all the student worksheets of your class.
    Note - See Using the Kami Inline Grader to know more about how to use the tools on your interactive worksheet.

    You’ve now interacted in real-time with your students' worksheets to collaborate with them before they submit them.
    Note -See Publish Draft Marks and Feedback.

Submit your worksheet (as a student)

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When you, as a student, have worked interactively with your school staff to get feedback and create a final version of your worksheet, you can submit it for final assessment.

To do this:

  1. In Schoolbox, go to your class homepage and select your due work.
    Your due work page opens.
  2. Next, select Create Submission.
    This opens the submission page.
    Note - If your school staff sets up your due work as a 'single' submission only, the 'Create submission' option will not appear after you've submitted it for assessment. However, if your school staff sets up your due work as 'multiple' submissions, then the 'Create submission' option will appear for you to submit multiple times.
  3. Complete the worksheet. 
    This is to ensure you’ve filled out all required sections of the worksheet accurately.
  4. When done, select Submit for assessment.
    This submits your due work for the school staff to assess.

    You’ve now submitted your worksheet as a student.


  • On your due work page, in Submission History, you can view or download your work submitted.
  • When you submit your worksheet multiple times or resubmit, you will also see the student and teacher's annotations for that due work.
  • You can remove or clear only your annotations.
  • The work you submit will be available to your school staff, whether it's an interactive worksheet, a file upload, or submitted in person.