Schoolbox Web App

Install the Schoolbox web application

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To receive web push notifications on your device, you can install the Schoolbox web application on any of your devices and quickly launch it from the device’s home screen or desktop.

Before you install the Schoolbox web application, you must ensure you have uploaded your app icon as a PNG image of 192 x 192 pixels. To upload, go to Personalisation > Skin Config > App Icon. Make sure your image does not have transparencies, as they are not supported on all devices. 

Note - You don't need to install this 'Schoolbox web application' from any app store. It is built into Schoolbox and can be installed in your browser. Within your own Schoolbox instance, your site title will appear alongside the reference of Web App.

To install the Schoolbox web app on your device:

  1. In the top menu of Schoolbox, select the Notifications icon Notification Bell Icon.
    The notifications panel appears.
  2. Next, select Install.
  3. Then, follow the install prompts on your device.
    Note - On Android devices, you must select Install in one more pop-up message to proceed with the installation.

    This installs the Schoolbox web application on your device so you can receive instant web push notifications.
    Note - For iOS devices, you must install the Schoolbox Web App on your device and add it to your device's home screen to enable notifications.
  4. Then, select the Notifications icon Notification Bell Icon again in the top menu.
    The notifications panel appears.
    Note - For Apple users, once you've added the Schoolbox Web App to your home screen, you must then go to the web app on your home screen to enable notifications.
  5. Next, select Enable Notifications.
    This enables web push notifications on your device.

    Note - Alternatively, you can select Later. To enable notifications later, select the Notifications icon Notification Bell Icon in the top menu, then select the Notifications Settings icon Settings Icon and enable it on the Notifications Settings page. You can also select Later to install the web app later from the Notifications Settings page.
  6. When enabled, a welcome message appears as a web push notification to your device. 
    Your device is now enabled to receive instant web push notifications from Schoolbox.

    You’ve now installed the Schoolbox Web App on your device.


  • To enable notifications on your iOS device, you must install the Schoolbox Web App on your device and add it to your device's home screen.
  • If you've blocked notifications on your device, you must go to your device settings and set Allow notifications to enable them.
  • To make the new Install PWA button send users to your Digistorm App and App Store, you must update the configuration with your app's URLs for the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. To do this as a Superuser, go to Administration > System Settings > 3rd Party Service. From here, you will need to populate both the 'Digistorm Apple App Store Link' and 'Digistorm Google Play Store Link' fields with the relevant links to your App in the app stores (Only available in Schoolbox 24.0 version or higher). For more information, see Add links and roles to use the Digistorm App (as a Superuser).
  • To change notification settings in Schoolbox, select the Notifications icon Notification Bell Icon in the top menu, and then select the Notifications Settings icon Settings Icon.
  • When your device has one or more unread notifications, the Schoolbox Web App icon shows the number of unread notifications. On Android devices, it shows a colored dot for unread notifications.
  • The notification count updates instantly when you receive a new web push notification on your device or when you visit the web app (which then refreshes the web app).

Add links and roles to use the Digistorm App (as a Superuser)

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You can add the Digistorm links and the appropriate roles to make sure certain role types can install the Digistorm App instead of the Schoolbox web app. This changes the new Install button to install your specified Digistorm App Store.

Note - The install button and its customisation are available in Schoolbox 24.0 version or higher.

To do this, as a Superuser: 

  1. In Schoolbox, go to Administration > System Settings > 3rd Party Service
  2. Next, scroll to the 'Digistorm Apple App Store Link' and 'Digistorm Google App Store Link' fields and enter the relevant links to your Digistorm App from the App Store. 
  3. In Digistorm Role Install Prompt, select the role types available in your school. This helps you choose which role type should receive the Digistorm Install button rather than the default Schoolbox Web App install prompt in their Android/iOS devices.
    For example, you may want only the role type ‘Parent’ to use the Digistorm App.
    Note - Desktop users can only install the Schoolbox Web App since Digistorm isn't available on desktop browsers.
  4. When done, select Save.
    This adds links and roles so users can use the Digistorm App even after upgrading Schoolbox to the latest version.

    You've now added links and roles to use the Digistorm App.