
Overview - Weightings

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Weightings are used to identify the influence or of a particular learning activity or assessment item over another when generating an overall grade. Weightings can be applied in Due Work Items, Quizzes and Projects. A student's overall grade is visible within Class Markbooks, Course Markbooks, Rubric Markbooks, Overall and Subject grades pages, and Summative Report exports. This could also include the grade for a Project, which contributes to the overall grade if it is weighted.

On this page, you will find the following information:

How Grades with Weightings are calculated

Submission States

How Grades with Weightings are calculated

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Weightings example

Assessment: There may be multiple assessment items within a Unit (and within a Project). Only the assessed items with weightings greater than zero will contribute to the overall grade.

Normalised Grade or Submission State: Where a Mark Type is used (other than 'None') and a grade is given to a student, it will be converted to a normalised grade between 0-100. Submission states may also lead to a normalised grade being given, or award a null state to the assessment, so that it is not counted toward the overall grade.

Weight: The weight is selected when the Due Work Item, Quiz or Project is created.

Overall Grade or Current Grade Average: The overall grade (for a Project or Class) is calculated by adding together all weighted grades (normalised grade x weight), then dividing by the sum of all weights.


The current grade average is calculated based on available results, so if you have only marked some but not all weighted assessment items, the grade average will be calculated as follows:

Weightings example 2


Note - Whether a result is available is dependent on a few factors, including whether it has been assessed, whether the results have been published and whether the results have been made visible to the audience. A student's current grade average can also vary depending on the audience viewing the student's grade report. This is based on the mark visibility of a piece of due work. So, if a published piece of due work is visible to staff and students, but not parents, then it is likely the current grade average will appear differently for teachers and students, than it will to parents.

Submission States

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In addition to weighted marks, you are able to assign a submission state to a student's work, such as 'absent' or 'not submitted'. This can be done from the quick mark screen (shown below) or the inline grader. These submission states are customisable by your school, so they may function differently or have different labels. Please speak a Superuser at your school to understand how these have been set up.  

Example of Submission States


Submission states can affect whether an activity's weighting is counted. Schools may choose to set a submission state to return a 'null' mark, which means that the activity does not count towards a student's overall grade and the student isn't penalised for having an exemption from completing the activity. In the below example, the student is assigned a 'Not Assessed' submission state, so they receive a null mark for the second activity:

Weightings example 3


Schools may also choose to assign a normalised grade to a submission state, and this will affect the student's grade average. In the example below, selecting 'Absent' will mean the student would be assigned a 0 for that particular assessment, as this 'Absent' submission state has been assigned a normalised grade of '0' by the school. This has an impact on the student's overall grade:

Weightings example 4


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