Release v24.0

Important Notes

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- To adjust the new Install PWA button so it directs users to your Digistorm App and App Store, you can update the new configuration options with your app's URLs in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. You can do this as a Superuser in System Settings > 3rd Party Services.
For instructions on how to complete this step, see Add links and roles to use the Digistorm App (as a Superuser).

- For schools that have previously not utilised a mobile application, please review your notification settings to ensure that users can and do receive notifications via the Web Push system that utilises the mobile setting in notifications.

- To enable curriculum mapping on your unit planner you must ensure that curriculum overview components have been added and mapped to the appropriate curriculum areas on your unit templates.

- All activities without a work-type have been mapped to 'None'.  If you do not wish this to exist as an option for future activities, you can safely delete it from the admin system.

- To ensure your Web Application is installable it must have a valid icon, please ensure that you have uploaded a square 192px PNG image as your Skin Config -> “App Icon”.  You should avoid transparencies in the image as this is not supported on all devices. 

For more information, see the Related Help Documentation.


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Related Help Documentation

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Minor Improvements to Schoolbox Features

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  • Added the Australian Early Years Learning Framework v2 curriculum package.
  • Added the ability to configure Schoolbox as an oAuth Identity Provider for 3rd party applications. Applications can be set up via the oAuth Client Configuration screen.
  • Allowed admin quick search to display more than five results, allowing the user to scroll through all the results.
  • Added support for new OpenAI models: GPT-4o, GPT-4o-mini, and GPT-4-turbo.
  • Added OpenAI agent to help with email and news blurb editing.
  • Added a new SQL server encryption mode to the External DB configuration area.  This allows you to force encryption between Schoolbox and the SIS. This is required for Synergetic Cloud.  
  • Mobile devices that have not registered with the platform in over a year will now automatically be removed from the registered devices list. This means they will no longer be sent notifications.
  • Increased the maximum length of submission state codes (6) and display text (48).


  • Sentral: Added support for filtering users by the portal access flag.


  • Updated the curriculum overview component to allow filtering to particular parts of the curriculum. Updated the curriculum overview component to display the entire tree above the selected node to provide additional context.
  • When visiting the page that a notification references, the notification will automatically be marked as read. This should ensure that app notifications are also marked as read once the user has clicked on them.
  • Updated and ensured consistent terminology when referring to notifications. Renamed all references of ‘messages’ to ‘notifications’.
  • Added a new Settings cog iconNotifications Settings Icon in the Notification panel to access the notifications settings.
  • Added three new question types to Surveys: 
    • Child Selector (allows a parent to identify which child the survey response refers to),
    • Date,
    • Date and Time. 
  • Added the quick page search to the header search bar to help you search using partial class codes and page names (with results sorted by relevance).


  • The ‘Work Type’ field is now required on all learning activities and you must select a work type when creating an activity. Historical activities without a work type are mapped to the ‘None’ option. You can safely delete the ‘None’ option if you do not want it to be available for future activities.
  • Added the ability to modify and override the overall grades and scores for students who attempt a quiz within Schoolbox. You can also now add overall scores, the submission states such as 'absent', and comments for students who haven't attempted the quiz within Schoolbox.
  • When uploading images to quizzes, they are now automatically resized to the appropriate size. In addition, basic editing tools are now available to crop and rotate images.
  • Updated terminology from ‘course template’ to ‘course framework’ to disambiguate from homepage templates.
  • Added the ability to control the sequence that course units are displayed on the Unit Planner and Course builder.
  • Added the ability to apply the student authenticity declaration policy per due work activity. This control will only be available if a policy has been entered via the admin system.
  • Added the ability to control what types of submission you allow on a per due work activity: offline, interactive worksheet, online editor, or file upload.
  • Added the ability to customise the ‘Lesson Plan’ terminology, allowing you to rename the function for your specific use case.


  • Added the ability to select from all available pastoral tags when creating a record.


  • Added support for sharing badges with external sites using the OpenBadge 2.0 standard.

Technical Upgrades

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  • Added a new maintenance mode that is controlled per instance rather than at the server level. This allows individual instances to be brought on and offline rather than the whole server, as well as disable background services during maintenance.
  • Added a new maintenance mode that is controlled per instance rather than at the server level. This allows individual instances to be brought on and offline rather than the whole server. As well as disable background services during maintenance
  • All on-prem customers' web server will be upgraded from NGINX to Caddy. This enables improved SSL certificate renewal standards, including no longer requiring port 80.
  • For on-prem customers: We now use Let's Encrypt's debugging site to help you debug your SSL certificate issues.

Schema Changes

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  • Updated `project_result` table
    • Altered mark and norm_mark to be not null
    • Renamed column from ‘project_id’ to ‘assessment_id`
  • Update table ‘assessment_view’
    • Added ‘feedback_was_visible’
  • Update table ‘submission_box’
    • Added `enable_worksheet`
    • Added `worksheet_template_hash`
    • Added `enable_offline`
    • Added `enable_text` 
    • Added `enable_files`
    • Added ‘enable_policy’
  • Update table `student_submission_file`
    • Added ‘is_worksheet’
  • Update table `submission_return_file`
    • Added ‘is_worksheet’ 
  • Update table ‘mobile_app`
    • Added `public_configuration`
    • Added `web_push_public_key`
  • Added table ‘oidc_relying_party’
  • Added table ‘kami_document’
  • Added table ‘sis_import_queue’


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  • Completely removed support for old MySQL passwords. Schoolbox has been using bcrypt since 2018, so any passwords not updated since then will stop working.
  • Removed config option Enable Push Notifications; notifications may be disabled using the “Enable Notifications” config.

Web Push Notifications

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A key aspect of getting teachers, students, and parents to engage with your platform is being able to reach out to where they are. Schoolbox has always featured the ability to notify users of new content, updates, or feedback via notifications. We have now extended this capability to integrate with the user's device, allowing notifications to be delivered to iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS devices directly without installing a native application.

We have also made Schoolbox an installable application on the device. By installing the web application on the device users can quickly launch it from their home screen or desktop.

By allowing Schoolbox to be installed and receive notifications on devices, we have created a near-app experience. However, for schools that wish to use a native application, we now feature the ability to provide users with prompts to install your preferred native application via the applicable app store.

Unit Planner

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Planning subject delivery is a key responsibility for our teachers, and the Schoolbox course structure was designed to streamline this process. Our updated Unit Planner captures the learning process and makes unit planning more intuitive, flexible, and comprehensive than ever before.

These new features will help you plan, align, and present your curriculum to achieve better learning outcomes:

  • Interactive and Editable: We have focused on allowing you to update your units directly via the planner. We have added the ability to sequence your units and activities, update your content, and create new activities and lessons.
  • Curriculum Mapping and Framework Alignment: One important aspect of unit planning is alignment with your chosen curriculum framework. Schoolbox is curriculum agnostic, but the unit planner should provide a scaffold, guiding teachers on the correct approach. Now you can set multiple columns on the unit planner focused on areas like general capabilities, global contexts, and interdisciplinary skills. Within these columns teachers can map the curriculum, quickly outlining your pedagogical approach to the curriculum.
  • Exportable and Printable: At the end of the planning process, you can now print your plan and create curriculum documentation for compliance or even display it on the wall so everyone can see the plan.  

Interactive Worksheets

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We are excited to launch our new interactive worksheets, transforming the way students engage with their class materials. Each student now receives their own digital copy of the worksheet supplied by the teacher.

Key Features:

  • Editable and Submittable: Students can easily edit and submit their completed worksheets digitally. This is an ideal solution for digital note-taking, particularly for junior students.
  • Real-time Teacher-Student Interaction: Teachers can interact with student worksheets in real-time, providing immediate feedback and monitoring progress across the entire class.
  • Simplified and Efficient: Our interactive worksheets simplify the learning process for all students, making classroom management more efficient for teachers.

With these innovative worksheets, teachers can now provide constructive feedback both before and after submission, fostering a more engaging and supportive learning environment.

New Premier Partner: Paperly

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Paperly is an easy-to-use, configurable and modular admin management system that fills the gaps between school and learning management systems.

Our partnership with Paperly simplifies your administration, allowing you to manage key activities more easily with a paperless form and booking module.

With Paperly integrated with Schoolbox, you can:

  • Forms: Manage any internal forms for staff with configurable workflows, conditional logic, and quotas. These can include venue bookings, professional development applications, and more. You can integrate these with your SIS and timetable systems for tracking and reporting.
  • Excursions: Apply built-in risk assessments and configurable workflows for approvals, ensuring risk compliance during excursions and camps. You can integrate with your SIS for medical data and school payment gateways for payments. You can also track permissions and updates and embed forms that need to be sent home to parents.
  • Parent-Teacher Interviews: Set up and track timeslots, embed online meeting links, and auto-generate schedules based on the parent’s preferred times and teachers. 

For more information, please reach out to discuss how you can purchase Paperly with your School Engagement Manager.

Updated Turnitin Report

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Turnitin’s similarity report has been thoughtfully redesigned with an integrated, intuitive interface and new categorisation of match types, making it easier to interpret and use as a formative learning tool to strengthen academic writing skills.

  • Reimagined for clarity and focus: The enhanced experience categorises matches based on the usage of in-text citations and quotation marks, making it easier for users to interpret and pinpoint problems in submissions, saving them time and effort in interpreting results.
  • Actionable insights supporting formative learning:  New source cards present a wealth of information about the highlighted match and its source material, including the percentage of text matched within the document and the number of matched text blocks and words.
  • Integrated AI writing & Flags panel: Turnitin’s latest AI writing detection capabilities and the Flags panel are fully integrated into the new experience. Users can leverage these powerful features to detect deliberate text manipulations and identify any sections of the paper that may have been generated using AI writing tools like ChatGPT.

More information available via the Turnitin Resource Centre.