Synergetic Setup Script

MSSQL Account Creation

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

Create an SQL file from the code below and execute on your Synergetic server, make sure you set the password first.


/* ************************************************************************** */

Replace 'SynergyOne' below with the name of your Synergetic MSSQL Database

/* ************************************************************************** */


USE [master]
USE [SynergyOne]
CREATE USER [schoolbox] FOR LOGIN [schoolbox]

Permissions SQL

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

/* *************************************************************************************** */  

Replace 'SynergyOne' below with the name of your Synergetic MSSQL Database and 'schoolbox' with the SQL account being used 

/* *************************************************************************************** */  

USE [SynergyOne]  

grant select on Addresses to schoolbox  
grant select on CalendarEvents to schoolbox  
grant select on Community to schoolbox  
grant select on CommunityAlerts to schoolbox  
grant select on Config to schoolbox  
grant select on Constituencies to schoolbox  
grant select on FileSemesters to schoolbox  
grant select on luBoarder to schoolbox  
grant select on luBuilding to schoolbox  
grant select on luCountry to schoolbox  
grant select on luDepartment to schoolbox  
grant select on luFileType to schoolbox  
grant select on luForm to schoolbox  
grant select on luRoom to schoolbox  
grant select on luHouse to schoolbox  
grant select on luReportResultType to schoolbox  
grant select on luTutor to schoolbox  
grant select on luYearLevel to schoolbox  
grant select on luDocumentClassification to schoolbox  
grant select on Relationships to schoolbox  
grant select on StudentClasses to schoolbox  
grant select on SubjectClasses to schoolbox  
grant select on SubjectClassStaff to schoolbox  
grant select on Timetable to schoolbox  
grant select on TimetableDefinition to schoolbox  
grant select on luTimetableGroup to schoolbox  
grant select on StaffSchedule to schoolbox  
grant select on StaffScheduleStudentClasses to schoolbox  
grant select on luDays to schoolbox  
grant select on luLocation to schoolbox  

grant select on luTeam to schoolbox  
grant select on IndividualPlans to schoolbox  
grant select on StudentYears to schoolbox  

grant select on vCommunityAddresses to schoolbox  
grant select on vPhotos to schoolbox  
grant select on vStaff to schoolbox  
grant select on vStaffJobPositions to schoolbox  
grant select on vStudentClasses to schoolbox  
grant select on vStudentContactAllAddress to schoolbox  
grant select on vStudents to schoolbox  
grant select on vSubjectClassesStaff to schoolbox  
grant select on StudentContactsPortal to schoolbox  
grant select on luStudentStatus to schoolbox  
grant select on vStudentsAll to schoolbox  

grant exec on spgTimetableDay to schoolbox  
grant exec on spsConfigUserDefaultYearSemester to schoolbox  
grant exec on spsTimetable to schoolbox  

grant select on luAbsenceReason to schoolbox  
grant select on luAbsenceType to schoolbox  
grant select on TimetableSubstitutes to schoolbox  
grant select on pvTimetableDefinitionAll to schoolbox  

grant exec on spiwkAttendances to schoolbox  
grant exec on spswkAttendances to schoolbox  
grant exec on sptwkAttendances to schoolbox  
grant exec on fnTimeStr to schoolbox  

grant select, insert, update, delete on StaffAssessmentMarkBook to schoolbox  
grant select, insert, update, delete on StudentAssessmentMarkBook to schoolbox  

grant select, update on AttendanceMaster to schoolbox  
grant select on tAttendances to schoolbox  
grant select, insert, update on wkAttendances to schoolbox  
grant select, insert, update on CommunityLogins to schoolbox  
grant select, insert, update on CommunityLoginsPage to schoolbox  

grant select on luPastoralCareType to schoolbox  
grant select on luPastoralCareCategory to schoolbox  
grant select, insert, update, delete on tPastoralCare to schoolbox  
grant select, insert, update, delete on PastoralCareContacts to schoolbox  
grant select, insert, update, delete on PastoralCareComments to schoolbox  
grant select, insert on PastoralCareActions to schoolbox  
grant select on luPastoralCareAction to schoolbox 
grant select on luPastoralCareActionType to schoolbox 

grant exec on spiExcursions to schoolbox  
grant exec on spuExcursionDetails to schoolbox  
grant exec on spiCommunityEventsCurrent to schoolbox  
grant exec on spsTimetableDefinition to schoolbox  
grant select on media.StudentReportsArchiveLink to schoolbox  
grant select on media.StudentReportsArchive to schoolbox  
grant select, insert on media.tDocuments to schoolbox  
grant select, insert on media.DocumentReferences to schoolbox  
grant select, insert on media.tDocumentReferences to schoolbox  
grant select on media.pvDocumentReferences to schoolbox