Synergetic Integration

Overview - Synergetic Integration

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Schoolbox can be integrated with Synergetic via a real time connection. This connection will be utilised to fetch live data from Synergetic when it is requested by the user. Schoolbox fetches timetables, student contact and medical information, parent/student relationships, and class enrollment data directly from Synergetic. You can also integrate the Synergetic Community Portal directly into Schoolbox, providing a seamless experience for parents to access additional functionality like parent teacher interviews, online bill payments, and report downloading.

On this page, you will find the following information:


Checking permissions

Synergetic Community Portal Passwords and SSO

Pastoral - Synergetic

Attendance - Synergetic

Markbook - Synergetic

Email Parents in Synergetic

Synergetic Academic Reports

DocMan Integration


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Note: An SQL user account that is SQL authenticated (not Windows authenticated) is required on the Synergetic database access.

This data is accessed live during a user's session. When setting up the account, we require at least read permission on the following tables and views, and execute permissions on the following stored procedures:


  • Addresses
  • AttendanceMaster
  • CalendarEvents
  • Community
  • CommunityAlerts
  • Config (new in v17.0)
  • Constituencies
  • FileSemesters
  • luBoarder
  • luBuilding
  • luCountry
  • luDays
  • luDepartment
  • luDocumentClassification
  • luFileType
  • luForm
  • luHouse
  • luRoom
  • luReportResultType (new in 17.0)
  • luTutor
  • luYearLevel
  • Relationships
  • StaffSchedule
  • StaffScheduleStudentClasses
  • StudentClasses
  • SubjectClasses
  • SubjectClassStaff
  • tAttendances
  • Timetable
  • TimetableDefinition
  • TimetableSubstitutes
  • luTimetableGroup
  • luLocation
  • luTeam
  • IndividualPlans
  • StudentYears (new in v17.0)

v67 and previous:

  • SynergyOneMedia.dbo.StudentReportsArchive (new in v17.0)
  • SynergyOneMedia.dbo.StudentReportsArchiveLink (new in v17.0)
  • SynergyOneMedia.dbo.tDocuments (new in v17.0.2)
  • SynergyOneMedia.dbo.DocumentReferences (new in v17.0.2)
  • SynergyOneMedia.dbo.pvDocumentReferences (new in v17.5.4)

v68 onwards:

  • media.StudentReportsArchive
  • media.StudentReportsArchiveLink
  • media.tDocuments
  • media.DocumentReferences
  • media.pvDocumentReferences


  • vCommunityAddresses
  • vPhotos (This may also require access to SynergyOneMedia.* depending on security setup)
  • vStaff
  • vStaffJobPositions
  • vStudentClasses
  • vStudentContactAllAddress
  • vStudents
  • vSubjectClassesStaff

Stored Procedures

  • spgTimetableDay
  • spsTimetable
  • spsConfigUserDefaultYearSemester
  • spiExcursions (new in v17.0)
  • spuExcursionDetails (new in v17.0)
  • spiCommunityEventsCurrent (new in v17.0)

Permission Setup Script

You may use this script to set up Synergetic automatically.

Synergetic v68 Notes

v68 of Synergetic requires renaming of the database. Please ensure that the database name is no more than 30 characters, otherwise Schoolbox will be unable to connect to the database.

Checking permissions

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The Synergetic health check is only able to test read permissions. There may still be issues when using it to check write permissions. This is because we are unable to write data to the School Management System without causing issues.

You can use the health check to at least see which permissions are entirely missing.

The health check can be accessed by clicking on the name of your database on the admin dashboard.  Next to the green light indicating the Synergetic system is running and connected.

Synergetic Community Portal Passwords and SSO

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Schoolbox can maintain Community Portal passwords so they stay in sync with passwords in Schoolbox.  To achieve this you must be using locally stored passwords in Community Portal.  Also ensure that Community Portal is configured for form based login, this will allow the SSO form injection between Schoolbox and Community Portal to function.

Note that this feature used to use the Synergetic Mobile API, but it no longer uses that function.  This means we no longer need to know the password in Synergetic before we can change it.  This allows parents to completely setup their own passwords via the password reset function, without having to know the password. This behaviour was changed in v16 as part of our security overhaul.

In order for this to work, Schoolbox requires the permissions;


  • CommunityLogins

Pastoral - Synergetic

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The Schoolbox pastoral module will additionally require the following permissions on the specified tables:


  • ​SynergyOne.dbo.​PastoralCareActions


  • ​SynergyOne.dbo.luPastoralCareCategory
  • ​SynergyOne.dbo.​luPastoralCareType​
  • ​SynergyOne.dbo.PastoralCareComments
  • ​SynergyOne.dbo.PastoralCareContacts
  • ​SynergyOne.dbo.tPastoralCare
  • SynergyOneMedia.dbo.​​​​​​​tDocuments
  • ​​​​​​​SynergyOneMedia.dbo.DocumentReferences

Attendance - Synergetic

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Marking attendance will additionally require the following permissions on the specified tables:


  • AttendanceMaster
  • luAbsenceReason
  • luAbsenceType
  • TimetableSubstitutes
  • pvTimetableDefinitionAll
  • tAttendances


  • spiwkAttendances
  • spswkAttendances
  • sptwkAttendances
  • spsTimetableDefinition
  • fnTimeStr (Found under Functions->Scalar Functions)


  • AttendanceMaster
  • wkAttendances

Markbook - Synergetic

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Markbook sync will additionally require the following permissions on the specified tables:


  • StaffAssessmentMarkBook
  • StudentAssessmentMarkBook


  • StaffAssessmentMarkBook
  • StudentAssessmentMarkBook


  • StudentAssessmentMarkBook (as of v15.0.14)
  • StaffAssessmentMarkBook (as of v15.6.0)

In addition, by default we store Schoolbox marks in a system RAW mark type. This field is called OGRaw. If you do not have this marktype in your system it may be added with the following SQL.

INSERT INTO SynergyOne.dbo.luReportResultType (Code,Description,ShortDescription,NumericFlag,Mask,SynergyMeaning, ResultTypeSort, ActiveFlag) VALUES ('OGRaw', 'Raw Mark', 'Raw', 1, ',100-0', 'MASKMAXOUTOF', 3, 1)


Once configured Markbook sync can be enabled in the admin system, with the setting Admin->Setting->External Db->Enable Markbook Sync.

Some key information on the Schoolbox-Synergetic markbook synchronisation:

  • By default any assessments (due work, quizzes or projects) that are marked in Schoolbox by staff will also be created and marked in the Synergetic Class Markbook. 
  • This is a real time sync, if you also want historical data synchronised please contact the Schoolbox support team.
  • We currently do not sync rubrics.
  • By default we do not sync mark types. This means (by default) the mark type selected is converted to a raw percentage before being sent to Synergetic to avoid any issues with differences in mark types. For letter grades, the conversion is based on the ‘normalised grade’ field set in Admin->Grades. This process of conversion can result in mark blurring.
    • You can convert a Schoolbox mark into a Synergetic "work type" format by adding a Synergetic work type ('External SIS Type') code (luReportResultType) to a Schoolbox work type. Simply go to Administration > Lists > Work Types and add it to the Assessment Task "External SIS Type" field. 


  • No rubric descriptors can be converted to Synergetic.
  • Teacher comments will also be synced with Student results.
  • Only one set of results can be recorded in Synergetic against an Assessment item.  If the item is assessed multiple times in Schoolbox, this will override the existing results in Synergetic.


What information is written into the Synergetic Markbook from a Schoolbox Learning Activity?

On creation or import to the class page Schoolbox will write into the Synergetic Markbook the learning activities:

  • title
  • description
  • weight

On marking the student's the following is also then added:

  • a grade. That is in the format as determined by the config 'External DB > Synergetic Mark Sync Value':
    • Normalised = a numeric value of -1 for null values (i.e. when a submission state with a null value has been used) or 0-100
    • Human readable = a string value that cannot be used for any form of calculation
  • written feedback

Email Parents in Synergetic

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After receiving formal brief from Synergetic on how to handle parent emails, we have implemented the system as follows. The system looks at the student relationships table and gets the 'Use Email' field for each relationship listed and sends to them. This means you can control who gets emailed independently of SC1 and SC2 and any other relationship type. So for example you can make the guardian get the emails and leave SC1 as the father. Or any other type of relationship. Please see the amended database tables above required to handle this properly.

The image below details the controls in Synergetic for this field.


Synergetic Academic Reports

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This is configured within the Administration Section under Settings, we've added an additional Menu item called "Document Management" which houses the current configurable settings for importing Synergetic Academic Reports into Schoolbox.



Display Academic Reports From SIS On Student Profile
Enable the display of documents from External SIS document Management feature on student's profile page.

Only Show Academic Reports On Or After This Date
Only list academic reports on or after this date (please use YYYY-MM-DD format, eg "2017-01-30"). Leave blank to show all reports.

Academic Report DocMan Categories To Show
Comma separated list of categories used in Synergetic DocMan to categorise documents as academic reports. If blank, no DocMan documents will be included.


Once this has been enabled, navigate to a student's profile page, where a new button "Academic Reports " will become available. This button links to a page in Schoolbox which lists the documents, relevant to the configuration settings. 


DocMan Integration

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Synergetic DocMan integration can now be filtered to specific classifications via the URL. This will allow you to create custom buttons for specific types of documents in DocMan.

To filter the classifications, append a URL parameter (?classification=MYCLASSIFICATION). For example it might then look like /user/profile/documents/reports/[profileID]?classification=MYCLASSIFICATION

NOTE: You can only request classifications that have been permitted in the admin system. If you utilise multiple types of document, the original 'Academic Reports' profile button will show all types and as a result you may need to create a replacement button.