AI Assistant


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Schoolbox now allows you, as school staff, to use the AI Assistant to edit content that you write in the rich text editor. 

The AI Assistant uses AI technology to help you improve your writing. It can simplify your language and also translate your content to another language.

The Superuser can set up the AI Assistant for your school. Once set up, the AI Assistant AI Assistant icon appears for you to use in the rich text editors in Schoolbox. 

Note - You will see this icon in the rich text editors only if the Superuser sets it up for your school. It is not available for students to use.

Set up the AI Assistant

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First you must set up the AI service by using either OpenAI or MS Azure OpenAI service.  Schoolbox will utilise these services in order to provide the AI Assistant feature.  Please note that by configuring these services you understand that content will be sent to a 3rd party and you must accept their terms related to how they handle your content.

Using OpenAI services:

  1. First, create an OpenAI account or sign in
  2. Next, go to the API key page and select +Create new secret key
    You can optionally name the key. 
  3. Save the secret key, and do not share it with anyone.

    Note - See the OpenAI pricing details.

Using MS Azure OpenAI Service

  1. See instructions on using the MS Azure OpenAI Service to set up the AI Assistant. 
    Schoolbox allows you to select from the OpenAI models: 
    • gpt-3.5-turbo
    • gpt-4
    • gpt-4o
    • gpt-4o-mini
    • gpt-4-turbo

      Note - See the MS Azure pricing details. 

As a Superuser, to set up the AI Assistant for your school:

  1. In Schoolbox, go to Administration System SettingsAI Services
  2. In AI Services, scroll to OpenAI Key.
  3. Enter the key in OpenAI Key.
  4. If utilising Azure you must also provide the Azure Resource Name and Deployment ID that were created when you setup the Azure OpenAI service
  5. Select Save.
    This links the OpenAI key with your school.

    You’ve now set up the AI Assistant in Schoolbox for your school.

Related link:
Use the AI Assistant

Use the AI Assistant

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Once the Superuser has set up the AI Assistant for your school, you can, as a school staff, use the AI Assistant in the rich text editor.

To use the AI Assistant:

  1. Go to a page in Schoolbox that allows you to add content in a rich text editor. For example, you can see the AI Assistant when you create content in:
    • Due work
    • Tasks
    • Quizzes
    • Projects
    • Lesson plans
    • News
    • Text Boxes
    • Learning Moments

      For example:
      1. On your homepage, go to News and then select the + Icon icon to create news.
        The Create News page appears. 
      2. In Body, select the AI Assistant AI Assistant icon. 
        The AI Assistant opens.
      3. In Ask AI to edit or generate, enter your prompt in the AI Assistant and selectEnter arrow. The AI Assistant will return responses.

        For example, if you enter the prompt Write a message to parents saying swimming is cancelled and select Enter arrow, the AI Assistant will return an instant response: 


        Note - Select the History Screenshot 2023-12-04 104159icon to see a list of previous content searches. You can also select Clear to clear the prompt history. 
      4. Select Replace to replace existing content in the body field. 
        You can also select Insert below to insert the AI-assisted content below the existing one.  

        You can select Try again to ask the AI Assistant to try searching again.

        Note - You can select Stop to stop the AI Assistant from writing for you. You can click outside the AI Assistant to close it. 
  2. Next, you can use AI commands and get specialised AI help to improve your content.

    To do this:
    1. First, select and highlight the content that you’ve written in Body
      This enables the AI commands Magic Wand Drop Down icon.
    2. Select the AI commands Magic Wand Drop Down icon.
      This displays a list of AI commands that you can select from.
    3. You can now command the AI to:
      1. Edit or review:
        • Improve writing
        • Make shorter
        • Make longer
        • Simplify language
      2. Appropriate Language:
        • For Junior Students
        • For Senior Students
        • For Teachers
      3. Generate from selection:
        • Summarize
        • Continue
      4. Change Tone:
        • Professional
        • Casual
        • Direct 
        • Confident
        • Friendly
      5. Translate:
        • Translate to English
        • Translate to Spanish
        • Translate to Portuguese
        • Translate to German
        • Translate to French
        • Translate to Simplified Chinese
        • Translate to Hindi
        • Translate to Arabic
    4. Select an AI command from the list to improve your content.
      This displays new content for you in the AI Assistant.
    5. Select Replace to replace existing content in the body field. 
      You can also select Insert below to insert the AI-assisted content below the existing one.

      You can select Try again to ask the AI Assistant to try searching again.

      You’ve now written content with the help of the AI Assistant.