Mark a Quiz

Mark a Quiz

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Once the student attempts the quiz and submits it, you can review and mark it. 

Schoolbox lets you review and mark a quiz in two ways: 

  • Review Attempt - this is where you can mark all questions for a particular student.
  • Review horizontally - this is where you can mark all attempts for the entire class and finalise the quiz.
  • Rescore all attempts - this is where you can manually rescore all attempts in a quiz on demand.
  • Quickmark a Quiz - this is where you can quickmark the student’s grade from the quiz status page.

Review Attempt

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To mark a quiz for a particular student:

  1. Go to your class page.
  2. On your class page, via the course outline, select the 3-dot White 3 dot menu icon menu icon for a quiz activity.
  3. Select View Status.
    This opens the Status page for the quiz that awaits your review.
  4. Select Review Attempt for the student who submitted the quiz.
    This opens the quiz for you to review and mark.
  5. The overall grade will be automatically updated based on the marks earned for each question. You can also manually update the overall grade. 
    If you've manually updated the overall grade to something other than the total of the question scores, you must select Assign [score] from item scores.
  6. When done, select Finalise review.
    You’ve now reviewed and marked the quiz for a student.

Notes -

  • You can select View Attempt History to see a student's attempts for the quiz.
  • The quiz system can auto-assign marks for some questions. 
    For example, when you set up multiple-choice questions. The quiz system will detect and select the correct answer, and automatically assign marks. 
    If a question has multiple correct answers, marks get auto-allocated for students who get all the answers correct.
  • You can also access and mark a quiz from the Pending Assessments page. See Managing Pending and Overdue Assessments.

Review Horizontally

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To review horizontally and mark a quiz for a class:

  1. Go to your class page. 
  2. On your class page, via the course outline, select the quiz.
  3. Next, select the 3-dot White 3 dot menu icon menu icon to select View Status.
    This opens the Status page with the quiz that awaits your review.
  4. Select the 3-dot White 3 dot menu icon menu icon and select Review horizontally for the class that submitted the quiz.
    This opens the quiz for you to review and mark.

    Note - The quiz system can auto-assign marks for some questions. For example, when you set up multiple-choice questions. The quiz system will detect and select the correct answer, and automatically assign marks. If a question has multiple correct answers, marks get auto-allocated for students who get all the answers correct.
  5. The overall grade will be automatically updated based on the marks earned for each question. You can also manually update the overall grade. 
    If you've manually updated the overall grade to something other than the total of the question scores, you must select Assign [score] from item scores.
  6. When done, select Finalise review.
    You’ve now reviewed and marked the quiz for a class.

Rescore all attempts

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As a school staff, you can rescore a quiz to correct scores when an authoring oversight or a misconfiguration in a Question has resulted in students receiving incorrect autoscores for their responses.

Rescoring a quiz allows you, as a school staff, to correct errors and provide students with accurate feedback, ultimately supporting better learning outcomes.

Schoolbox allows you to manually rescore all quiz attempts on demand when you change the quiz's question values. 

To rescore:

  1. Go to your class page. 
  2. On your class page, via the course outline, select the 3-dot menu iconWhite 3 dot menu iconfor a quiz activity.
  3. Select View Status to open the quiz status page.
    Note - Before you proceed to rescore, it is recommended that you download a CSV of answers for this quiz.
  4. Next, select the 3-dot menu iconWhite 3 dot menu iconand then select Rescore all attempts.
  5. Next, select Rescore to confirm. It may take up to 30 minutes for the changes to take effect.

    You've now rescored all attempts in a quiz.

Notes - 

  • When you run the rescore tool, it removes all manually input or updated scores (except the feedback comment) from all questions. 
  • After you've rescored a quiz, you must review the feedback you’ve provided for students' attempts.
  • You can also rescore a quiz in two other ways:
    • Go to the Quizzes component and then select the 3-dot menu iconWhite 3 dot menu iconfor a quiz activity. Next, follow steps 3 through 5 to rescore the quiz. 
    • Go to Class Markbook and then select the quiz title that you want to rescore. Next, follow steps 3 through 5 to rescore the quiz. 

Quickmark a Quiz

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As a school staff, you can quickmark the student’s grade from the quiz status page and use submission states or grades to grade the quiz. You can do this for one or more students. 

Note: You can override or assign the final mark for a quiz even if the student has not attempted the quiz.

To quickmark a quiz for a particular student:

  1. Go to your class page.
  2. On your class page, via the course outline, select the 3-dot menu iconWhite 3 dot menu iconfor a quiz activity.
  3. Select View Status.
    This opens the Status page for the quiz you want to quickmark.
  4. Next, scroll to the student you want to quickmark the quiz for.
  5. In Grade, select the drop-down list icon AD_4nXdyzfh824yRb8Aclwv-bvWQ2KmaWcinK3LQDWyMhIY2K8GTTx8z56vmyn6NPtpGPY6pelNxgXMIAcFxfCTl0rSMzDkb42mxAPRzuvS1VMpX71_Xt6tbRE9HKjba6sgLwM95rhYrYr74SwfznrHKaJ9dHFqC?key=b7LaEjgn313jWv99Egj7Lw to choose any one submission state for the student. 
    For example:
    • Absent
    • Not Assessed
    • Not Submitted
    • Submitted

      Alternatively, you can also enter a grade.

      Note: Each Submission State is assigned a normalised grade. The Superuser can set up, edit, or delete a Submission State in Administration > Lists > Submission States.
  6. Next, in Comment, enter the feedback to support the selection you’ve made.
  7. When done, select Save and Publish.
    This quickmarks the grade for the student on the quiz status page. 

    You’ve now quickmarked the quiz for a particular student.