Create and Manage a Quiz

Create and Manage a Quiz

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Create Quiz from a Course

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To create a quiz from within a unit in a course:

  1. On your Schoolbox homepage, select the Courses Courses Icon icon.
    Alternatively, you can also add /course/list to your URL.
    The Course List page appears. 
  2. In Course List, go to the course from the list and then select the Down arrow icon icon to expand the course.   
    This displays a list of units within it.   
  3. Select a unit you want to create a quiz for.   
    This opens the unit.    
  4. In the Course Builder component, select Create a task, due work, quiz, project or lesson plan   
    The Create Activity page appears.   
    Note - If content already exists, select Create Activity.
  5. Choose the activity type Quiz.   
    This opens a form to create the quiz.   

    Note - Alternatively, you can also create a Quiz for a unit in a Course in another way:
    1. On your Schoolbox homepage, select the Courses Courses Icon icon.
      Alternatively, you can also add /course/list to your URL.
      The Course List page appears. 
    2. Select a course from the list.
      The Modify Course page appears. 
    3.  In Modify Course, go to Units and select theDown arrow icon icon for the unit you want to create a quiz for.
    4. Then, select New Quiz
      This opens a form to create the quiz.
  6. In Title, enter a title for the quiz.   
  7. In Work Type, choose the Work Type from the drop-down list. For example, Formative Assessment Task.   
  8. In Description, enter a description about your quiz.    
    You can also add a video to your quiz description. You can do this in two ways:
    1. Select the Embed Resources Embed resources icon icon to add files and upload. You can:
      1. Upload file - click or drag to upload.
      2. Record to add an audio, photo, video, or a computer screen recording.
      3. Add the resources from your resource library.
      4. Add files from ‘My Files’.
      5. Add files from ‘Google drive’.
      6. Add files from ‘Office 365’.   
    2. Select the Insert media Insert media icon icon to add the video URL and then select the green tick to proceed.    
  9. In Completion Message, enter a completion message to appear when the student finishes the quiz.   
    You can also add a video to your completion message. You can do this in two ways:
    1. Select the Embed Resources Embed resources icon icon to add files and upload. You can:
      1. Upload file - click or drag to upload.
      2. Record to add an audio, photo, video, or a computer screen recording.
      3. Add the resources from your resource library.
      4. Add files from ‘My Files’.
      5. Add files from ‘Google drive’.
      6. Add files from ‘Office 365’.   
    2. Select the Insert media Insert media icon icon to add the video URL and then select the green tick to proceed.    
  10. In Max Attempts, select from the drop-down list the maximum number of attempts students can take.   
  11. In Activity duration, you can set the number of days you expect the activity to take. This will be used to automatically populate due dates when importing this course.    
    For example, if you select 2, it will populate the due date of the quiz activity in a course after 2 days.   
  12. Select the Cross slider icon icon to set the Allowed time in hours or minutes. For example, 10 minutes.   
  13. Select the Cross slider icon icon to set the Reading Time in hours or minutes. It is the time given to students to read the quiz before they attempt it.    
    For example, if you’ve set 1 minute reading time, you will have 1 minute only to read the quiz before you start it.    
  14. Select the Cross slider icon icon to enable Shuffle Items. This will shuffle all the items in the quiz for each attempt.    
  15. Select the Cross slider icon icon to enable Prompts and Feedback Mode. This enables ‘Check Answer’ and prompts the students of right or wrong answers when attempting their quiz. 
  16. Next, in Grading, set a value for the weight. This value will indicate how much this assessment’s outcome contributes to the final overall grade.   
  17. Then, choose a Mark Type that you will use to grade student assessments: 
    • Total Mark 
    • Percentage 
    • Letter Grade   
  18. Next, if you've selected Letter Grade, select the grading scheme you want the quiz to use. Select Show Grade scale to see what each grading scheme offers.    
  19. Next, in Mark Visibility, from the drop-down list, set who can view the quiz marks.   
  20. In Curriculum, set the Curriculum Codes to link the activity to the curriculum that the quiz is based on.     
  21. When done, select Create.   
    The Modify Content page appears.   
  22. In Modify Content, you can:
    • Modify Settings   
      This allows you to update the quiz settings that you just created.
    • Preview   
      This helps you preview the quiz. 
    • + Create item    
      This allows you to create an item and add it to your quiz.
    • Find items   
      This helps you find an item by title and add item(s) to the quiz.

      You’ve now created a quiz from a course.    
      Next, you can add a question to a Quiz.

Note - You can also import your legacy quizzes that you've saved as XML files. For this, on the Create Quiz page, select the 3-dot menu icon White 3 dot menu icon and then select Import legacy XML. Click or drag to upload the XML file and then select Import. However, this option is unavailable when you create a quiz via the course builder component or under a project. 


Related Links:

Create Quiz from Course Outline

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To create a quiz from your class’s course outline:

  1. Go to your Class page.
  2. In Course Outline, select the 3-dot White 3 dot menu icon menu icon next to the relevant unit, and then select Quiz.  
    This displays the Create Quiz page.  
  3. In Title, enter a title for the quiz.  
  4. In Work Type, choose the Work Type from the drop-down list. For example, Formative Assessment Task.  
  5. In Description, enter a description about your quiz.   
    You can also add a video to your quiz description. You can do this in two ways:
    1. Select the Embed Resources Embed resources icon icon to add files and upload. You can:
      1. Upload file - click or drag to upload.
      2. Record to add an audio, photo, video, or a computer screen recording.
      3. Add the resources from your resource library.
      4. Add files from ‘My Files’.
      5. Add files from ‘Google drive’.
      6. Add files from ‘Office 365’.  
    2. Select the Insert media Insert media icon icon to add the video URL and then select the green tick to proceed.   
  6. In Completion Message, enter a completion message to appear when the student finishes the quiz.  
    You can also add a video to your completion message. You can do this in two ways:
    1. Select the Embed Resources Embed resources icon icon to add files and upload. You can:
      1. Upload file - click or drag to upload.
      2. Record to add an audio, photo, video, or a computer screen recording.
      3. Add the resources from your resource library.
      4. Add files from ‘My Files’.
      5. Add files from ‘Google drive’.
      6. Add files from ‘Office 365’.  
    2. Select the Insert media Insert media icon icon to add the video URL and then select the green tick to proceed.   
  7. In Max Attempts, select from the drop-down list the maximum number of attempts students can take.  
  8. In Activity duration, you can set the number of days you expect the activity to take. This will be used to automatically populate due dates when importing this course.   
    For example, if you select 2, it will populate the due date of the quiz activity in a course after 2 days.  
  9. Select the Cross slider icon icon to set the Allowed time in hours or minutes. For example, 10 minutes.  
  10. Select the Cross slider icon icon to set the Reading Time in hours or minutes. It is the time given to students to read the quiz before they attempt it.   
    For example, if you’ve set 1 minute reading time, you will have 1 minute only to read the quiz before you start it.   
  11. Select the Cross slider icon icon to enable Shuffle Items. This will shuffle all the items in the quiz for each attempt.   
  12. Select the Cross slider icon icon to enable Prompts and Feedback Mode. This enables ‘Check Answer’ and prompts the students of right or wrong answers when attempting their quiz.  
  13. Then, in Submission Dates, enter the:
    1. Publish Date  
      The publish date is when the learning activity is published and visible to students.
    2. Open Date  
      The open date is when the students can start submitting the activity.
    3. Due Date  
      The due date is until when the students will be able to submit the activity.
    4. Late Date  
      The late date is from which submissions will no longer be accepted.  
  14. Next, in Grading, set a value for the weight. This value will indicate how much this assessment’s outcome contributes to the final overall grade.  
  15. Then, choose a Mark Type that you will use to grade student assessments: 
    • Total Mark
    • Percentage
    • Letter Grade 
  16. Next, If you've selected Letter Grade, select the grading scheme you want the quiz to use. Select Show Grade scale to see what each grading scheme offers.   
  17. Next, in Mark Visibility, from the drop-down list, set who can view the quiz marks.  
  18. In Participation and Learning Plans, you can include or remove a student from an assessment, or can create a learning plan for a student.   
    For example, when you want to add a different publish or due date for some students, you can create a learning plan for those students with the new dates.  
  19. In Curriculum, set the Curriculum Codes to link the activity to the curriculum that the quiz is based on.    
  20. When done, select Create.  
    The Modify Content page appears.  
  21. In Modify Content, you can:
    • Modify Settings  
      This allows you to update the quiz settings that you just created.
    • Preview  
      This helps you preview the quiz. 
    • + Create item   
      This allows you to create an item and add it to your quiz.
    • Find items  
      This helps you find an item by title and add item(s) to the quiz.

      You’ve now created a quiz from a course outline.

      Note - This will not save this quiz back to the original course.

      Next, you can add a question to a Quiz.

Note - You can also import your legacy quizzes that you've saved as XML files. For this, on the Create Quiz page, select the 3-dot menu icon White 3 dot menu icon and then select Import legacy XML. Click or drag to upload the XML file and then select Import. However, this option is unavailable when you create a quiz via the course builder component or under a project. 


Related Links:

Create Quiz from Quiz Component

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To create a quiz from the Quizzes component:

  1. Go to your Class page. 
  2. On your class page, select the Plus icon icon and then select the Learning tab.  
    This lists all the components in this tab. 
  3. Select the component Quizzes. 
    This displays a list of quizzes that you’ve created for your class. 
    Note - You can select the 3-dot 3 dot menu icon menu icon to edit the quiz. See Modify Contents.
  4. In Quizzes, to create a new quiz, select Create Quiz. 
    This displays the Create Quiz page. 
  5. In Title, enter a title for the quiz. 
  6. In Work Type, choose the Work Type from the drop-down list. For example, Formative Assessment Task. 
  7. In Description, enter a description about your quiz.  
    You can also add a video to your quiz description. You can do this in two ways:
    1. Select the Embed Resources Embed resources icon icon to add files and upload. You can:
      1. Upload file - click or drag to upload.
      2. Record to add an audio, photo, video, or a computer screen recording.
      3. Add the resources from your resource library.
      4. Add files from ‘My Files’.
      5. Add files from ‘Google drive’.
      6. Add files from ‘Office 365’. 
    2. Select the Insert media Insert media icon icon to add the video URL and then select the green tick to proceed.  
  8. In Completion Message, enter a completion message to appear when the student finishes the quiz. 
    You can also add a video to your completion message. You can do this in two ways:
    1. Select the Embed Resources Embed resources icon icon to add files and upload. You can:
      1. Upload file - click or drag to upload.
      2. Record to add an audio, photo, video, or a computer screen recording.
      3. Add the resources from your resource library.
      4. Add files from ‘My Files’.
      5. Add files from ‘Google drive’.
      6. Add files from ‘Office 365’. 
    2. Select the Insert media Insert media icon icon to add the video URL and then select the green tick to proceed.  
  9. In Max Attempts, select from the drop-down list the maximum number of attempts students can take. 
  10. In Activity duration, you can set the number of days you expect the activity to take. This will be used to automatically populate due dates when importing this course.  
    For example, if you select 2, it will populate the due date of the quiz activity in a course after 2 days.  
  11. Select the Cross slider icon icon to set the Allowed time in hours or minutes. For example, 10 minutes. 
  12. Select the Cross slider icon icon to set the Reading Time in hours or minutes. It is the time given to students to read the quiz before they attempt it.  
    For example, if you’ve set 1 minute reading time, you will have 1 minute only to read the quiz before you start it.  
  13. Select the Cross slider icon icon to enable Shuffle Items. This will shuffle all the items in the quiz for each attempt.  
  14. Select the Cross slider icon icon to enable Prompts and Feedback Mode. This enables ‘Check Answer’ and prompts the students of right or wrong answers when attempting their quiz. 
  15. Then, in Submission Dates, enter the:
    1. Publish Date 
      The publish date is when the learning activity is published and visible to students.
    2. Open Date 
      The open date is when the students can start submitting the activity.
    3. Due Date 
      The due date is until when the students will be able to submit the activity.
    4. Late Date 
      The late date is from which submissions will no longer be accepted. 
  16. Next, in Grading, set a value for the weight. This value will indicate how much this assessment’s outcome contributes to the final overall grade. 
  17. Then, choose a Mark Type that you will use to grade student assessments: 
    • Total Mark
    • Percentage
    • Letter Grade  
  18. Next, If you've selected Letter Grade, select the grading scheme you want the quiz to use. Select Show Grade scale to see what each grading scheme offers.  
  19. Next, in Mark Visibility, from the drop-down list, set who can view the quiz marks. 
  20. In Participation and Learning Plans, you can include or remove a student from an assessment, or can create a learning plan for a student.  
    For example, when you want to add a different publish or due date for some students, then you can create a learning plan for those students with the new dates. 
  21. In Curriculum, set the Curriculum Codes to link the activity to the curriculum that the quiz is based on.   
  22. When done, select Create. 
    The Modify Content page appears. 
  23. In Modify Content, you can:
    • Modify Settings 
      This allows you to update the quiz settings that you just created.
    • Preview 
      This helps you preview the quiz. 
    • + Create item  
      This allows you to create an item and add it to your quiz.
    • Find items 
      This helps you find an item by title and add item(s) to the quiz.

      You’ve now created a quiz from the Quizzes component.  
      Next, you can add a question to a Quiz.

Note - You can also import your legacy quizzes that you've saved as XML files. For this, on the Create Quiz page, select the 3-dot menu icon White 3 dot menu icon and then select Import legacy XML. Click or drag to upload the XML file and then select Import. However, this option is unavailable when you create a quiz via the course builder component or under a project. 


Related Links:

Create Quiz from Course Builder Component

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To create a quiz from the course builder component:

  1. Go to your Unit page. 
  2. On your Unit page, select the Plus icon icon and then select the Learning tab.  
    This lists all the components in this tab. 
  3. Select the component Course Builder. 
    Note - If content already exists, select Create Activity.
  4. In the Course Builder component, select Create a task, due work, quiz, project or lesson plan 
    The Create Activity page appears. 
  5. Choose the activity type Quiz. 
    This opens a form to create the quiz. 
  6. In Title, enter a title for the quiz. 
  7. In Work Type, choose the Work Type from the drop-down list. For example, Formative Assessment Task. 
  8. In Description, enter a description about your quiz.  
    You can also add a video to your quiz description. You can do this in two ways:
    1. Select the Embed Resources Embed resources icon icon to add files and upload. You can:
      1. Upload file - click or drag to upload.
      2. Record to add an audio, photo, video, or a computer screen recording.
      3. Add the resources from your resource library.
      4. Add files from ‘My Files’.
      5. Add files from ‘Google drive’.
      6. Add files from ‘Office 365’. 
    2. Select the Insert media Insert media icon icon to add the video URL and then select the green tick to proceed.  
  9. In Completion Message, enter a completion message to appear when the student finishes the quiz. 
    You can also add media (video) in the completion message. You can do this in two ways:
    1. Select the Embed Resources Embed resources icon icon to add files and upload. You can:
      1. Upload file - click or drag to upload.
      2. Record to add an audio, photo, video, or a computer screen recording.
      3. Add the resources from your resource library.
      4. Add files from ‘My Files’.
      5. Add files from ‘Google drive’.
      6. Add files from ‘Office 365’. 
    2. Select the Insert media Insert media icon icon to add the video URL and then select the green tick to proceed.  
  10. In Max Attempts, select from the drop-down list the maximum number of attempts students can take. 
  11. In Activity duration, you can set the number of days you expect the activity to take. This will be used to automatically populate due dates when importing this course.  
    For example, if you select 2, it will populate the due date of the quiz activity in a course after 2 days.  
  12. Select the Cross slider icon icon to set the Allowed time in hours or minutes. For example, 10 minutes. 
  13. Select the Cross slider icon icon to set the Reading Time in hours or minutes. It is the time given to students to read the quiz before they attempt it.  
    For example, if you’ve set 1 minute reading time, you will have 1 minute only to read the quiz before you start it.  
  14. Select the Cross slider icon icon to enable Shuffle Items. This will shuffle all the items in the quiz for each attempt.  
  15. Select the Cross slider icon icon to enable Prompts and Feedback Mode. This enables ‘Check Answer’ and prompts the students of right or wrong answers when attempting their quiz. 
  16. Next, in Grading, set a value for the weight. This value will indicate how much this assessment’s outcome contributes to the final overall grade. 
  17. Then, choose a Mark Type that you will use to grade student assessments: 
    • Total Mark
    • Percentage
    • Letter Grade  
  18. Next, If you've selected Letter Grade, select the grading scheme you want the quiz to use. Select Show Grade scale to see what each grading scheme offers.  
  19. Next, in Mark Visibility, from the drop-down list, set who can view the quiz marks. 
  20. In Curriculum, set the Curriculum Codes to link the activity to the curriculum that the quiz is based on.   
  21. When done, select Create. 
    The Modify Content page appears. 
  22. In Modify Content, you can:
    • Modify Settings 
      This allows you to update the quiz settings that you just created.
    • Preview 
      This helps you preview the quiz. 
    • + Create item  
      This allows you to create an item and add it to your quiz.
    • Find items 
      This helps you find an item by title and add item(s) to the quiz.

      You’ve now created a quiz from the course builder component.  
      Next, you can add a question to a Quiz.


Related Links:

Add a Question to a Quiz

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Once you’ve created a quiz, you need to add an item to your quiz. An item is a question or a collection of questions that you create to build your quiz. 

Note - If you already have items that you want to add to your quiz, in Modify Content, select Find items to search and add them to your quiz. When done, select Back and then select Save


To create a new item/question and add it to your quiz:         

  1. In Modify Content, select + Create item       
  2. In Title, enter a title for the item.       
  3. Select + Add new       
  4. Next, select Questions or Features to create your item.        
    This helps you create your item(s) in a particular format:    
    1. If you select Questions, you can choose from any item/question type such as: 
      • Multiple Choice
      • Fill in the Blanks (Cloze)
      • Classify, Match & Order
      • Written & Recorded
      • Highlight and Drawing
      • Graphing
      • Math
      • Charts
      • Chemistry
      • Other (you can upload and annotate an image)

        For example, when you select Multiple Choice as the type, you must:
        1. Compose the question.
        2. Set the correct answer (mandatory).
          Note - You must not leave this field empty. 
        3. In More Options, set the scoring. 
          Note - You must enable the auto-scoring checkbox for the quiz to calculate marks correctly for short answers.
        4. Select Save.        
          This creates a multiple-choice type question for your quiz.     

          Notes - 

          • When you want to add a video to your quiz, you can select Written & Recorded > Video recorder. In Compose question, select the Simple feature icon AD_4nXc-zG3IOD7Sse-ykTxSIKLN6m7P6vb7Vi7jjvcheCQ87JDXkRUqsEXBkWzSNaHe1wclXmcuS1ZJQ_UN0zNapcgl3XbGNUZyoX8WjCQQyixzYIlHQzLBRNaDhL1uepPIRt5mlAaDUFIPUjb5ZdEfFSnl2Fi3?key=5FIoKRNbfXA0z3Y6VBbDPQ to preview and add the video. 
          • In Fill in the Blanks (Cloze) > Cloze with text question type, student responses can be 50 characters long. You can edit the maximum length of the characters in More options.
          • The files above 512 KB will be compressed and added to quiz questions.
    2. If you select Features, you can choose from any feature type such as:
      • Protractor
      • Ruler
      • Image tool
      • Scientific calculator
      • Calculator
      • Audio player
      • Passage
      • Video player
      • Line Reader

        For example, when you select Protractor as the type, you must:
        1. Enter the details in the fields as needed.
        2. Select Save.        
          This creates a Protractor type question for your quiz.
  5. When done, select Back and then select Save.

    You’ve now added items/questions and built your quiz. 

Notes -

  • To edit any quiz settings, select the 3-dot White 3 dot menu icon menu icon and then select Modify Settings. When done, select Update. 
  • To edit an item, select Edit quiz icon and edit. When done, select Save.
  • To delete an item, select Delete quiz question icon and delete. Then, select Confirm.
  • To move items and re-arrange them in a specific order, select Move quiz question icon and then drag it. When done, select Save.
  • To check the correct answer in multiple-choice questions, select Show Answers for each shuffle. When done, select Save.
  • To delete a quiz, select the 3-dot White 3 dot menu icon menu icon and then select Delete Activity.
  • To download all answers per question as a CSV, go to the Quiz Status page and then select Download All from the 3-dot menu iconWhite 3 dot menu icon
    Some question types are not supported for download: 
    • Written & Recorded:
      • Essay with rich text
      • Essay with plain text
      • Audio recorder
      • Video recorder
    • Highlight and Drawing:
      • Drawing
      • Hotspot
    • Graphing
    • Math
    • Chemistry
    • Other:
      • Image annotation upload


Related Links:

Export a Quiz into a Class

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Once you’ve built the quiz, you can now export the quiz to one or more classes. 

You can do this via Course Modify or via the Course Builder. 

To do this via Course Modify:

  1. First, check if you’ve already imported the course into a class. Only then you can export the quiz into the class.   
    To import a course into a class, see Importing a Course to a Class Page.  
  2. When done, go to your homepage and select Course.  
    The Course List appears.  
  3. Select the course from the list and then select the Down arrow icon icon to expand the course.  
    This displays a list of units within it.  
  4. Select the unit that has the quiz.  
  5. Then, select the Class you wish to import the quiz to and set the Publish, Open, Due, and Late Date for the quiz.
  6. When done, select Export to selected classes.
    This exports the quiz into the class. 


To do this via Course Builder:

  1. Go to the quiz you’ve created and then select the 3-dotWhite 3 dot menu iconmenu icon next to the quiz, to select Export to Classes.  
  2. Select the class you want to import the quiz into.  
  3. You can then set the Publish, Open, Due, and Late Date for the quiz.  
  4. When done, select Export to selected classes.
    This exports the quiz into the class.  

    The quiz gets published on the date that you've set for it to publish when you import to the class.

Note - To edit any quiz settings, select the 3-dot White 3 dot menu icon menu icon and then select Modify Settings. When done, select Update.  
Students can attempt the quiz and submit it for review. You can then review and mark your quiz.