Lesson Plan Component

Lesson Plan Component

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Schoolbox lets you add Lesson Plan components to your homepage and dashboard.

The Lesson Plan component that school staff can add on the homepage allows students and parents to view Lesson Plans specific to that class.

The Lesson Plan component on the dashboard shows Lesson Plans for all pages that you are a member of (within the set display range). 

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Add Lesson Plan component to Homepage

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As school staff, to add a Lesson Plan component to your homepage:

  1. On your class page, select the Plus icon icon and then select the Learning tab.  
    This lists all the components in this tab. 
  2. Select the component Lesson Plans or drag and drop it to your homepage. This adds it as a component to your homepage. 

    Note - You can add the component to your homepage and create Lesson Plans in it later. The component will show the Lesson Plans as soon as you’ve created them. See Course Outline Component. 
  3. Select the Unlock icon icon to allow you edit the component, and then select Lesson Plans 
  4. Next, select the settings Settings cog icon icon to choose the display range. 
    The Display Range is set to today by default. You can select the display range for Lesson Plans with a lesson date scheduled for:
    1. Today Only (default)
    2. 1 day
    3. 2 days
    4. 3 days
  5. When done, select Update 
    This helps you filter and view the Lesson Plans for your class.

As school staff, you can view and edit Lesson Plans on both the homepage component and in the View All Lesson Plans page. To do this, select the 3-dot 3 dot menu icon menu icon in the Lesson Plans component or in the list of Lesson Plans, to:

  • Modify
  • Delete
  • Save to Course 

See View All Lesson Plans to view a full list of Lesson Plans. 

Note - You need to import a course on this page to use Lesson Plans. For this, see import a course to your class page.


To delete the Lesson Plans component from your homepage:

  1. Select the Unlock icon icon to delete the component.  
  2. Select the Delete cross icon icon.
  3. Then, select Remove. 
    This deletes the Lesson Plans component from your homepage.
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Add Lesson Plan component to Dashboard

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As a Superuser, to add the Lesson Plan component to the dashboard:

  1. Go to AdministrationPersonalisation Dashboard Templates   
  2. Select the role for the dashboard that you want to edit.  
  3. Select the Lesson Plan component, or drag and drop it onto the Dashboard template. 
  4. Select the settings Settings cog icon icon.     
  5. The Display Range is set to today by default. You can select the display range for Lesson Plans with a lesson date scheduled for:
    1. Today Only (default)
    2. 1 day
    3. 2 days
    4. 3 days  
  6. You can also change the heading if needed.    
  7. When done, select Update    
    This adds the Lesson Plan component to the dashboard for school staff and students to view. 


View All Lesson Plans

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To view all the Lesson Plans (including those that are not within the specified display range):

  1. In the Lesson Plans component, select View All to see all the Lesson Plans.   
    This displays a list of all the Lesson Plans for staff, students and parents to view.  
    Note - Lesson Plans listed in bold are the ones that are scheduled within the display range.   
  2. As school staff, you can view and edit Lesson Plans on both the homepage component and in the View All Lesson Plans page:
    1. Select the 3-dot 3 dot menu icon menu icon in the Lesson Plans component or in the list of Lesson Plans, to:
      1. Modify
      2. Delete
      3. Save to Course 


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