
Overview of Search

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Quick Search

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Schoolbox allows you to do a quick keyword search instead of searching with advanced filters. 

A quick search will instantly find and list results for you from across all:

  • your school’s users (school staff, students, and parents) 
  • matching Schoolbox pages that you’ve got access to in your school.

The results will display a list of matching users and the top matching pages.

To do a quick search:

  1. Select the search icon Search Icon in the top menu.
  2. Next, enter keywords of what you want to search.
    For example, enter your keyword as math.
    Note - Enter the first few letters of your keywords without quotation marks. This means you can quickly search using partial keywords.
  3. A list of search results in a drop-down list displays from across all users and all pages: 

    Quick Search

Note - Alternatively, you can also select Search everything for Math from the drop-down list, to search using the advanced filters. You must ensure to enter full words when you search using advanced filters.

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Search (with advanced filters)

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Schoolbox lets you search using advanced filters.

To search:

  1. Select the search icon Search Icon in the top menu and enter keywords of what you want to search, then press Enter       
    For example, enter your keyword as Class 10, then press Enter.
    Note - You can enter your keywords in quotation marks so that your search results will include your exact keywords.      
    The Search interface with advanced filters will display.       
    Advanced Search     
    Note - Alternatively, you can also select the icon Advanced Search 1  for the advanced filters to display.     
  2. If you want to search within a date range, select the icon Date Picker to choose the start and end dates.     
    Your search results use specific date filters for each field. The date filter used for:
    1. Badges, Files, Forums, Links, Pages / Folders, Textboxes, Tiles, Users - is when the item was last updated
    2. Blogs - is when the item was created
    3. Events - is the event start date
    4. Learning Activities - is the activity due date, or if not set, the last update date
    5. News - is the publish date

      Note - To set the default start and end dates for Search, go to Admin > System Settings > Policy > Date Range for Search Filter.
  3. Next, you can select the user from the list who created the content. For example, select your name listed or search for a user’s name.     
  4. In Types, you can select one or more from the list such as Badges, Users, etc.       
    This searches for results only from within the selected types.        
    For example, when you search for keyword Class 10 and select the Type as Learning Activity, it searches for results only from within Learning Activities.      
  5. When done, select Search.       
    This will display a list of search results based on the filters you’ve set and the selected types.       

    Note - To clear all the filters and search again, select Clear filters.     
  6. In the search results, each result has a 3-dot menu icon3-dot menu from search 1option for you to select and choose from a drop-down list.        
    For example, you can select to do actions such as:       
    - Modify Course      
    - Modify Folder      
    - Manage Textbox      
    - Class list      
    - Class Markbook 

      Note - The options in the drop-down list vary for each search result.

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