Search Staff Directory

Search Staff Directory

Are you sure you want to remove this component?


Schoolbox lets you search for staff from the entire Staff Directory of your school. You can search a staff by name, department, role, or campus.

Find Staff

To find a staff in your school:

  1. On your Schoolbox homepage, to access the Staff Directory page:
    • From your side menu, go to Staff Services Staff Directory 
    • Add /modules/report/staff to your URL  

      The Staff Directory page appears. 

  2. In Filter, search a staff member by their:
    • First name
    • Surname
    • Department
    • Role
    • Campus
    • Phone
    • Extension number
    • Email

The staff details display.  

Note - The fields listed will vary depending on your school’s staff profile settings.

You’ve now found the staff from the Staff Directory.

Note - You will not be able to access the profile of school staff who have no profile link. 

You can view this staff’s user profile and phone or email them from this page. 


Note - As a Superuser, you can remove inactive or temporary roles from the school’s Staff Directory. For example, part-time staff such as cleaners, sports coaches, etc., who no longer work for the school. 

To remove:

  1. On the Staff Directory page, search and copy the role you want to remove from the Staff Directory.
  2. Next, go to Administration > System Settings > External DB
    Alternatively, you can enter Staff Directory Position Title Restriction in the search field. 
  3. Paste the role in the Staff Directory Position Title Restriction field. 
  4. Select Save for the changes to take effect.
    You’ve now removed this role from the school’s Staff Directory.