School Configuration Guide - Emails


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Schoolbox contains an inbuilt email system which allows users to send emails from within Schoolbox. If you wish to use Email within your Schoolbox instance, you will need to configure specific settings.

This page will define each setting and how to populate each setting within your school's instance. This guide is for both on-prem and cloud hosted instances.

On this page, you will find the following information:

Email Setup 

Email Policy

Additional Email Considerations

Email Setup

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1. Navigate to the Administration Area by selecting your profile image and then selecting ‘Administration’.


2. Navigate to System Settings > Email.



The following information will need to be entered to configure your email settings.

Enable Email

When toggled to 'ON', Schoolbox email functions will be enabled.



Email From Address   
Insert the email address you wish to display when a user is sent emails from the Schoolbox system.


image.php?hash=37cb38156500106dfe2a5c450099f0c0f0770c3b NOTE: Please make sure that this is a valid email address, using a no-reply email that does not exist might cause email to be rejected or filtered as spam.

Email From Name   
Insert the name that will be displayed when a user receives an email from the Schoolbox system.   
e.g. Your Schoolbox instance name



Email Domain   
Insert the email domain that emails should originate from if Schoolbox sends an email on behalf of a user.   
e.g. “” = “<user>"


NOTE: If no alternative is specified for the user, it will be 'username@emaildomain'.

Enable Email Reply-To   
If toggled to ‘ON’, emails notification sent via Schoolbox will populate the reply-to address with the author’s email address.  So that users are able to reply to notifications and have the message go to the author if one exists for the event.


Email Signature   
Use the text editor to add an email signature that will be applied to users that have an email address that matches the School email domain.


NOTE: Available tokens are: [title] [firstname] [surname] [fullname] [email] [position].   

Force mail to send FROM system   
If toggled to ‘ON’, all mail sent from Schoolbox will have the ‘Email From Address’ as its FROM address: this may be required for some mail servers in order to send emails to recipients. 


NOTE: The REPLY-TO header will be set to the sender’s address.   

Additional Email Considerations

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If email is sent from domains whose DNS you control, it is highly recommeneded to configure DKIM within Schoolbox.


There is no need to configure emails within staging instances, as this function will not work in the test environment.


To test emails are working, select the email hyperlinked in a user's profile. This should bring up the compose email page.



Enable External Mail Client

For each user, there is the option to 'Use External Mail Client'. Checking the 'Use External Mail Client' box will cause users to launch an external email program when clicking on an email address or email link.  We recommend you enable this for users that you know have an email client configured like staff and students.  This will ensure where possible they use their existing email client.  Be careful with this setting if users are accessing Schoolbox on devices that do not have email configured or on their own person devices, email may end up coming from their personal email address.


NOTE: The setting can be configured for users in bulk through the User Provisioning System.

Email Policy

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1. Navigate to the Administration Area by selecting your profile image and then selecting ‘Administration’.


2. Navigate to System Settings > Policy.



The following information will need to be entered to configure your email settings.

Password Change Email From Address   
Insert the email address that users will receive password change emails from.   



Password Change Email Subject   
Insert the subject of the email for when users receive an email to change their password.   
e.g. ‘Schoolbox Password Change’



Forgotten Password Email Content   
Select the information which will be emailed when using the forgotten password tool.


NOTE: Options include 'Username and Password Reset Link' and 'Password Reset Link Only'.


Schoolbox Feedback Address   
Insert the email address that you want ‘Support and Feedback’ forms (located in the page footer) to be sent to.   


NOTE: The 'Support and Feedback' form can capture feedback or issues users want to raise with your support desk/IT team. Access to this form can be located in the page footer.




The following options can be configured to align with your school Email Policy settings.

Enable ‘Email All Teachers’ button on student profile   
If toggled to “ON’, this will allow staff role types to send an email to all of a student's teachers via the student’s profile page.



Allow Email All Parents

If toggled to ‘ON’, the ‘Email All Parents’ button will be enabled, allowing for staff to bulk email parents from a class list or a student’s profile.



Allow Email Housemasters from Class List

If toggled to ‘ON’, staff will be able to email the Head of House for selected students in a class from the Class List.



Allow Email Tutors from Class List   
If toggled to ‘ON’, staff will be able to email the Tutor Teacher as defined by the SIS for selected students in a class from the Class List.



Allow Email All Parents from Parent Directory   
If toggled to ‘ON’, staff and parents may bulk email parents from the parent directory.


NOTE: Due to the potential confidential nature of this information, we recommend consideration is taken before toggling to ‘ON’ for this setting.


Restrict Display of Parent Emails   
If toggled to ‘ON’, parent email addresses will only be visible to staff.   