Self-reflection and Self-assessment

Self-assessment and Self-reflection

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Self-reflection and self-assessment involves students reviewing their work and reflecting on their learning progress. Providing students with opportunities to self-assess and self-reflect helps them to participate in, and take ownership of their own learning.

When creating a Due Work learning activity, a teacher has the option to enable for the student either self-reflection, self-assessment or both.

  • Self-reflection allows a student the opportunity to reflect on their work with a comment and on a rubric if provided. 
  • Self-assessment gives the student the ability to provide themselves with a grade.

If enabled and completed, a student’s self-reflection and self-assessment may be visible to the parent on their child’s profile page. When creating a Task learning activity, a teacher has the option to allow the Task to be self-assessed.

On this page, you will find the following information:

Self-reflection on a Due Work item

Self-reflection and Self-assessment on a Due Work item

Self-assessed Task

Self-reflection on Due Work

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Self-reflection on Due Work

1. In the Due Work creation window, navigate to the subheading ‘Self-reflection'.


2. Use the drop down arrow to select ‘Self-reflection’.


When a student goes to their Due Work to submit, they will see a screen that looks like this:


Before finalising their submission by selecting the ‘Submit for assessment’ button, students will be provided with a comment box to complete a self-reflection.


NOTE: completion of the self-reflection by a student is optional. If students elect not to self-reflect, the following message will pop up asking them to confirm that they wish to leave the comment blank.


Self-reflection on Due Work using a Rubric

1. In the Due Work creation window, navigate to the subheading ‘Self-reflection'.


2. Use the drop down arrow to select ‘Self-reflection’.


3. To allow students to reflect on their learning using a Rubric, toggle ‘Use Rubric’ to ‘ON’.


When a student selects ‘Create submission’ they will be provided with a screen that includes a rubric to self reflect against and a Comment box add reflective notes.

To complete the self-assessment students click on the descriptor they think they have achieved or demonstrated and use the comment box to write a comment.


NOTE: completion of the self-reflection by a student is optional.

Self-assessed Task

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1. In the Task creation window, navigate to the ‘Allow self-assessed?’ toggle and toggle to 'ON'.


When a student goes to their Task to submit, they will see a screen that looks like this: 


If not assessed the square on the right will be blank and greyed out.  When the student clicks on the grey box it will change to an orange diamond with a tick.

2. To review who has self-assessed, click on the three-dot menu and select ‘View Status’.


3. This will display a list of assignees and their assessment status.


4. Teachers can either confirm this assessment by clicking once to reveal a green arrow that indicates "Teacher Assessed", or clicking twice to change the status to "Incomplete".


If a Task is re-marked by a teacher as "Incomplete" the student will see the following information when they view the task.


Self-reflection + Self-assessment on Due Work

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Self-reflection +Self-assessment on Due Work 

1. In the Due Work creation window, navigate to 'Self-Reflection'.


2. From the drop-down menu, select 'Self-reflection + Self-assessment'.


NOTE: Enabling ‘self-assessment’ will provide students with the ability to provide themselves with a grade. 

3. To provide students with the ability to assign themselves a grade, use the drop down menu to select a ‘Mark Type'.


 4. When a student goes to their Due Work to submit, they will see a screen that looks like this:


Before finalising their submission by clicking the ‘Submit for assessment’ button students will be provided with a Grade box to assign themselves a grade and a Comment box to write a comment. 


NOTE: completion of the self-assessment by a student is optional. If students elect not to self-assessment, the following message will pop up asking them to confirm that they wish to leave the comment blank.


Self-reflection + Self-assessment on Due Work item with a Rubric

1. In the Due Work creation window, find the subheading ‘Self-reflection'.


2. Use the drop down arrow to select ‘Self-reflection + Self-assessment’.


3. If required, use the drop down menu to select a ‘Mark Type’ to provide students with the ability to assign themselves a grade.

4. To allow students to reflect on their learning using a Rubric, toggle ‘Use Rubric’ to ‘ON’.


5. Apply ‘Rubric marking options’ if required.

When a student selects ‘Create submission’ they will be provided with a screen that includes a rubric to self assess against,  a ‘Grade box’ and ‘Comment box’.

To complete the self-assessment students click on the descriptor they think they have achieved or demonstrated and use the Comment box to write a comment. The Grade will be assigned based on the students self-assessment under the rubric.


The student has the ability to assign the Grade (will vary based on ‘Mark Type’ selected) from the Rubric or use the drop down to choose a different grade. Students can also add a comment using the comment box.

NOTE: completion of the self-assessment by a student is optional.

7. To review a student’s self-assessment, select the three-dot menu and select ‘View Status’.


8. To review a student's self-assessment, select the three-dot menu for a student and select ‘View and grade submission’.
