QR Code Logins

Overview - QR Code Logins

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

QR Code Logins can be provided to student users to make it easier for them to login to Schoolbox. When a student is provided with a QR Code, they will be able to use a device's camera to bypass signing in, meaning they will not need to know their username and password.

QR Codes can be utilised to provide the student access to their dashboard, profile, or a homepage. 

Configuring QR Code Logins

Revoking QR Code Tokens

Generating QR Code Logins

NOTE: utilising a QR Code to authenticate a user and provide them access to Schoolbox is not a secure method.

Configuring QR Code Logins

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. Navigate to Administration > Lists > Year Levels.


2. Select 'Modify' on the year level you wish to allow QR Code logins for.


3. Select 'QR Code Generation Enabled' so that it is ticked to permit use of QR Code logins.


4. Unselect 'QR Code Generation Enabled' so that further generation of QR Code logins is not possible.

NOTE: This setting adheres to homepages that have the year level applied, rather than adhering to the year level of the student.

Generating QR Code Logins

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

1. Navigate to the Class or Group Page that you want to generate tokens for.

2. Select the 3-dot-menu and select 'Generate Login Codes'.


NOTE: This can be done by users in the staff role on pages tagged with the appropriate year levels. Superusers can do this on any Group or Class Page in the instance.

3. Deselect the students you do not want to generate or regenerate tokens for.


4. Choose the 'Login Destination'. This can be the current homepage, the student's dashboard or the student's profile page.


5. Choose the 'Login Expiry'. This can be set for 1, 3 or 6 months.


6. Select 'Generate codes'. This step may be repeated to generate QR codes for different landing locations as needed.


NOTE: Generating a new QR code will not replace the previously created one. 

7. Select 'Print codes' to launch your internet browser's print function.


Revoking QR Code Tokens

Are you sure you want to remove this component?

NOTE: This action can be performed by Superusers only.

1. Navigate to Administration > User Management > Bulk Modify.


2. Utilise the token filter to see get a list of users that have a token 'Set'.


3. Select the students you wish to remove the token for.


4. Select 'Modify'.


5. Utilising the 'Revoke Token' dropdown, select 'Revoke'.


6. Select 'Update Selected'.
