The TASS API populates the School User Data Store (SUDS) with user profile and timetable information.

Once SUDS has been populated, the User Provisioning System (UPS) is able to run as a scheduled process for the creation of and ongoing updates to a user’s Schoolbox Profile. A user's timetable and profile page (that directly rely on the TASS API data in SUDS) will surface the most recently uploaded information as per the schema and do not require the UPS to have completed its scheduled run (though caching of data may delay this). 

NOTE: Due to the duration that the import of data can take, it is recommended that an hourly sync is NOT used.

On this page, you will find the following information:

Configuration of TASS for the integration with Schoolbox

Generating your TASS API key

Managing the TASS API Connector

Managing the TASS API Imports

Mapping of staff (teachers) - TASS API to SUDS

Mapping of staff (employees) - TASS API to SUDS

Mapping of students - TASS API to SUDS

Mapping of parents & relationships - TASS API to SUDS

Explanation of parents, relationships and emergency contacts - TASS API, SUDS & Schoolbox

Step one - Identifying parents and creating an External ID

Step two - Populating user information

The contacts on a student’s profile page explained


TASS Portal

Mapping of School Calendar and Notices - TASS API to Schoolbox Events

TASS fields that map to the Schoolbox User Data Store - Timetable & enrolment data

Configuration of TASS for the Integration with Schoolbox

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Generating your TASS API Key

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In order to connect TASS to the Schoolbox User Data Store (SUDS), you will first need to supply Schoolbox with the API check-list provided by TASS.

Please then create a Schoolbox Support Desk Ticket to pass this information to us so that we can generate and input the endpoint host and key into your staging instance for testing.

Following a successful connection on your staging instance, you should then ensure your UPS rules are tested and updated as needed.

Once satisfied you can then add the details to your production instance, specify an import frequency for the data and update the UPS rules.

Please be aware that the import frequency selected does not affect the time that the UPS runs. The frequency and times selected should take into account the need for creating user profiles, displaying current timetable & enrolment information.

Managing the TASS API Connector

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1. Log in to Schoolbox.

2. Navigate to Administration > School Data Import > Home.


3. Select data source as 'TASS API'.

4. Enter your School Data Endpoint Host.

5. Choose your Import Frequency

Note: It is recommended that an import is conducted after midnight to ensure that SUDS is populated with the correct timetable day and to gather current profile data (including new starters). The completion of this import should precede the User Provisioning System’s scheduled run. An additional import before the start of the school day may be utilised to present changes made to the timetable for cover lessons and room changes that may have been made in the SIS that day. A final import after working hours can also be utilised to update any changes made by the SIS administrators that day.

6. Enter your Import Timeout.

7. Enter your TASS Configuration Company Code, App Code and Token for the Student Details, Identity Management and LMS Integration endpoints.

8. Optionally enter the Company Code, App Code and Token for the School Calendar and Notices and Employee HR endpoints.

9. Optionally enter the TASS Academic Period Start dates.

Note: It is only necessary to enter these dates if:

  • the timetable has more than 2 semesters
  • the entirety of Semester 1 is not between 1st January to 30th June, and the entirety of Semester 2 is not between 1st July to 31st December.

10. Select the checkbox to enable processing future parents and add them to the Schoolbox database.


Note: If you have future parents of students who are yet to be enrolled, you can provision Future Parents accounts ahead of their children. To include future parents, you must ensure that they:

  • have the Parent Lounge access to be imported from TASS. This corresponds to the 'web_access' field in the TASS API.
  • must also fulfil the Communication Rules Filters.

11. Select Save.


Managing the TASS API Imports

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To perform an update of your SUDS data from an API connector.

1. Navigate to Administration > School Data Import > Home.


2. Select the 3-dot Menu and select 'Perform Live Update'.


To view your current endpoint status and the status of previous imports.

1. Scroll beyond the API configuration.


2. Select 'current endpoint status' for a detailed view of the status of each endpoint and node as required.

NOTE: The 'Previous Imports' section will vary based upon the SIS and API configuration used. 

TASS API Endpoint Errors

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A 'v3 Bad endpoint' error occurs when there is no service permissions to access the relevant endpoint within TASS. Create this for the appropriate role within the setup of TASS.

A 'v2 Bad endpoint' error occurs when there is an unnecessary service permission to access the relevant endpoint within TASS. Simply delete the service permissions for the endpoint.

Mappings of School Calendar and Notices - TASS API to Schoolbox Events

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The TASS API sends the following information to the Schoolbox Events set (as labelled and controlled by Administration > Calendar > Subscribe):

  • ParentCalendar Event
  • ParentNotices Event
  • StudentCalendar Event
  • StudentNotices Event
  • TeacherCalendar Event
  • TeacherNotices Event

The event in Schoolbox's calendar will then be categorised in one of 2 ways:

  1. Where the event type in TASS matches that of Schoolbox's event types (as defined in Administration > Lists > Event Types), the event type will be utilised.
  2. Where the event types don't match, then the first in the list of Schoolbox's event types will be utilised.

The event will be added to Schoolbox's calendar according to the role type and the campus of the user. The mapping to roles works by adding:

  • TASS ParentCalendar Events and ParentNotices Events to the calendars for Schoolbox roles with the role type 'Parent'.
  • TASS StudentCalendar Events and StudentNotices Events to the calendars for Schoolbox roles with the role type 'Student'.
  • TASS TeacherCalendar Events and TeacherNotices Events to the calendars for Schoolbox roles with the role type 'Staff'.

For the event to be allocated to the appropriate campus, the TASS Campus Code must match either the Schoolbox Campus Name or External Timetable Code that has been mapped to the Campus.

NOTE: Though the event will appear as though it was created in Schoolbox, there will be no functionality to modify the event - this will need to occur in TASS.

TASS Fields that Map to the Schoolbox User Data Store - Timetable & Enrolment Data

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NOTE: You must not import timetables for classes that have either finished or not yet started.

  • The School User Data Store (SUDS) and its Schema

Mapping of Staff (Teachers) - TASS API to SUDS

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SUDS FieldTASS API EndpointTASS API MethodNode/Claim
External IDlms-integrationgetTeachers['teacher_code']
Titlelms-integrationgetTeachers['salutation'] or ['title']
Firstnamelms-integrationgetTeachersOrdered in following way: ['first_name'], ['given_names']
Preferred Firstname  ['preferred_name']
Emaillms-integrationgetTeachers['school_email_address'] or ['email_address']
Work PhoneEmployee HRgetEmployeesDetails['work_phone']
Staff Categorylms-integrationgetTeachersWe hardcode as: teacher
Position TitleEmployee HRgetEmployeesDetails['position_title']

NOTE: The Employee HR endpoint also allows Schoolbox to sync photos from TASS and therefore requires 'Sync photos' to be enabled when setting up the endpoint in TASS. Ensure Admin > System settings > External DB > 'Load Photos from SIS' is toggled to ‘ON’ to enable profile photos to sync

Mapping of Staff (Employees) - TASS API to SUDS

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SUDS FieldTASS API EndpointTASS API MethodNode/Claim
External IDIdMgetEmployeesPrefix added of E and ['user_code']
TitleIdMgetEmployees['salutation'] or ['title']
FirstnameIdMgetEmployeesOrdered in following way: ['preferred_name'], ['first_name'], ['given_names']
Preferred Firstname   
EmailIdMgetEmployees['school_email_address'] or ['email_address']
Work PhoneEmployee HRgetEmployeesDetails['work_phone']
Staff CategoryIdMgetEmployeesWe hardcode as: employee
Position TitleEmployee HRgetEmployeesDetails['position_title']

NOTE: the IdM endpoint also allows Schoolbox to sync photos from TASS and therefore requires 'Sync photos' to be enabled when setting up the endpoint in TASS. Ensure Admin > System settings > External DB > 'Load Photos from SIS' is toggled to ‘ON’ to enable profile photos to sync

Mapping of Students - TASS API to SUDS

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SUDS FieldTASS API EndpointTASS API MethodNode/Claim
External IDlms-integrationgetStudents['general_details']['student_code']
Firstnamelms-integrationgetStudentsOrdered in following way: ['general_details']['preferred_name'], ['general_details']['first_name']
Preferred Firstname   
Date of Birthlms-integrationgetStudents['general_details']['date_of_birth']
Emergency Contact Name 1student-detailsgetCommunicationRulesDetails['addressee']
Emergency Contact Phone 1student-detailsgetCommunicationRulesDetails['home_phone']
Emergency Contact Phone Alt 1student-detailsgetCommunicationRulesDetails['mobile_phone_1'] or ['mobile_phone_2']
Emergency Contact Name 2student-detailsgetCommunicationRulesDetails['addressee']
Emergency Contact Phone 2student-detailsgetCommunicationRulesDetails['home_phone']
Emergency Contact Phone Alt 2student-detailsgetCommunicationRulesDetails['mobile_phone_1'] or ['mobile_phone_2']
Emergency Contact Name 3student-detailsgetCommunicationRulesDetails['addressee']
Emergency Contact Phone 3student-detailsgetCommunicationRulesDetails['home_phone']
Emergency Contact Phone Alt 3student-detailsgetCommunicationRulesDetails['mobile_phone_1'] or ['mobile_phone_2']
Head of House ID---
Head of House Name---
Form Teacher ID---
Form Teacher Name---
Tutor Grouplms-integrationgetStudents['school_details']['pc_tutor_group']
Tutor Teacher ID---
Tutor Teacher Name---
Year Levellms-integrationgetStudents['school_details']['year_group']
Year Level Coordinator ID---
Year Level Coordinator Name---
Studies Codelms-integrationgetStudentsOne of: ['lui_number'], ['bos_number'], ['vsn_number'], ['tqa_number'], ['wa_student_number']
Medical Alertstudent-detailsgetMedicalConditionsIf there is a medical record we will present "This student has medical conditions."
Contact Alert---
Legal Alert---
Enrolment Datelms-integrationgetStudents['general_details']['date_of_entry']
Leaving Datelms-integrationgetStudents['general_details']['date_of_leaving']
Special Needslms-integrationgetStudents['other_school_details']['learning_support']
Boarding Statuslms-integrationgetStudents['school_details']['boarder']


  • The lms-integration allows Schoolbox to sync photos from TASS and therefore requires 'Sync photos' to be enabled when setting up the endpoint in TASS. Ensure Admin > System settings > External DB > 'Load Photos from SIS' is toggled to ‘ON’ to enable profile photos to sync
  • The SUDS field 'Studies Code' is populated with the following nodes/claims:
    • 'lui_number' - in Queensland
    • 'vsn_number' - in Victoria
    • 'tqa_number' - in Tasmania
    • 'wa_student_number' - in Western Australia
    • 'bos_number' - in New South Wales, in some installations
    • 'nesa_id' - in New South Wales, in some installations

Mapping of Parents & Relationships - TASS API to SUDS

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SUDS Field    TASS API Endpoint    TASS API Method    Node/Claim    

External ID 

(Nuclear Family)  


Mother is identified on the person 1 node:


Father is identified on the person 2 node:


External ID

(Split Family)


Each record is actually a sub-family. This means that we use the sfa_num as the indicator of split families. The external ID then gets constructed as follows:

Family 1:

Mother is identified on the person 1 node:


Father is identified on the person 2 node:


Family 2:

Mother is identified on the person 1 node:


Father is identified on the person 2 node:



Mother is identified on the person 1 node:


Father is identified on the person 2 node:


Preferred Firstname   
Home Phonestudent-detailsgetCommunicationRuleDetails['mobile']
Work Phonestudent-detailsgetCommunicationRuleDetails['work']
Relationship student-detailsgetCommunicationRuleDetails

['f_description'] for father


['m_description'] for mother

+  ['relationship']

Explanation of Parents, Relationships and Emergency Contacts - TASS API, SUDS & Schoolbox

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Each time Schoolbox pulls data from the TASS API a 2 step process is utilised on each student. This process allows Schoolbox to create accounts in the Parent role type and populate the student’s profile page with the appropriate contact details. 

  • First, Schoolbox needs to identify which of 3 TASS family types the student is in:
    • Simple/nuclear (parents in a relationship with each other)
    • Simple split (parents separated, but not in other relationships)
    • Complex split (parents separated, and at least one parent in another relationship)
  • Second, Schoolbox must add personal information alongside the individuals identified within the family.

This process is required due to the fundamental difference in how TASS (families have their own identifier) and Schoolbox (individuals have their own identifier) function. Schoolbox needs to identify who is a parent from the family record so that it can create a unique identifier (External ID) for each person. In order to do this successfully there are 4 fields (within Schoolbox’s Administration Area > Settings > External DB) that need to be configured correctly, they are:

  • TASS Address Description for Mother
  • TASS Address Description for Father
  • TASS Address Number for Mother
  • TASS Address Number for Father 

NOTE: In new schools, you will be asked during the installation phase of the implementation process to provide us with information on the TASS address descriptions and numbers in use. In existing schools, the existing settings will continue to be utilised.

Step One - Identifying Parents and Creating an External ID

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With the student’s account already entered into the Schoolbox User Data Store (SUDS), a call for data from IdM: getParents’ is made for all family accounts. This contains the Student’s ID and the relationship they have with each address block on the family account. 

Identifying Simple/Nuclear Families

Where the call from ‘IdM: getParents’ contains Address = 1 a simple/nuclear family is assumed. For example:

"parents": [


        "123456": [


                "web_access": true,

                "user_code": 123456,

                "person2": {

                    "initials": "M",

                    "suffix": "",

                    "surname": "Corella",

                    "description": "Father",

                    "preferred_name": "Matthew",

                    "other_name": "",

                    "title": "",

                    "e_mail": "",

                    "first_name": "Matthew"


                "address": {

                    "1": {

                        "email2": "notanemail@outlook.com",

                        "email1": "email@outlook.com"



                "person1": {

                    "initials": "C",

                    "suffix": "",

                    "surname": "Corella",

                    "description": "Mother",

                    "preferred_name": "Carmel",

                    "other_name": "",

                    "title": "Ms",

                    "e_mail": "",

                    "first_name": "Carmel"


                "username": "",

                "sfa_num": "",

                "students": [




To create a unique identifier for each parent from the TASS Family Code Schoolbox adds the prefix ‘S’ or ‘P’ to create a distinct user External ID. This requires the TASS Address Descriptions for Mother and Father to be set in Administration Area > Settings > External DB. This turns the Family Code ‘123456’ into the distinct Schoolbox External IDs: 

  • Person 1 is considered to be the Mother Node making ‘S123456’ 
  • Person 2 is considered to be the Father Node making ‘P123456’

Identifying Simple Split Families

Where the call from ‘IdM: getParents’ does not contain Address = 1 and a single family response is returned where  the SFA number is blank a simple split family is identified.

(Example to be added - if you have one please let jez.gray@schoolbox.com.au know so we can examine the response)

So that parents can be successfully identified it is vital that the TASS Address Number for Mother and Father (as set in Administration Area > Settings > External DB) match the numbers found within the API call. The Family Code is then utilised to create distinct External IDs in the same way as simple nuclear families. 

Identifying Complex Split Families

Where the call from ‘IdM: getParents’ does not contain Address = 1 and an SFA number is present a complex split family is identified. For example:

"parents": [


                    "56789": [


                            "web_access": true,

                            "user_code": 56789,

                            "person2": {

                                "initials": "P",

                                "suffix": "",

                                "surname": "Bradburry",

                                "description": "Father",

                                "preferred_name": "Dom",

                                "other_name": "",

                                "title": "",

                                "e_mail": "",

                                "first_name": "Dom"


                            "address": {

                                "4": {

                                    "email2": "",

                                    "email1": "email@outlook.com"



                            "person1": {

                                "initials": "C",

                                "suffix": "",

                                "surname": "Caramel",

                                "description": "Mother",

                                "preferred_name": "Carmel",

                                "other_name": "",

                                "title": "Ms",

                                "e_mail": "",

                                "first_name": "Carmel"


                            "username": "",

                            "sfa_num": 1,

                            "students": [





                            "web_access": true,

                            "user_code": 56789,

                            "person2": {

                                "initials": "P",

                                "suffix": "",

                                "surname": "Bradburry",

                                "description": "Father",

                                "preferred_name": "Dom",

                                "other_name": "",

                                "title": "",

                                "e_mail": "",

                                "first_name": "Dom"


                            "address": {

                                "5": {

                                    "email2": "dom@email.com.au",

                                    "email1": ""



                            "person1": {

                                "initials": "C",

                                "suffix": "",

                                "surname": "Caramel",

                                "description": "Mother",

                                "preferred_name": "Carmel",

                                "other_name": "",

                                "title": "Ms",

                                "e_mail": "",

                                "first_name": "Carmel"


                            "username": "",

                            "sfa_num": 2,

                            "students": [







In addition to the ‘P’ and ‘S’ prefix, the SFA number will be suffixed to the Family Code. In order to attribute the correct SFA number to the correct parent, Schoolbox utilises the configuration for the TASS Address Number for Mother and Father as set in Administration Area > Settings > External DB. 

This process turns the TASS Family Code ‘123456’ into four distinct Schoolbox External IDs:

  • ‘SFA 1 + Person 1’ is considered to be Mother Node of Split Family 1 with a Prefix of ‘S’ and a Suffix of ‘1’ making ‘S1234561’
  • ‘SFA 1 + Person 2’ is considered to be Father Node of Split Family 1 with a Prefix of ‘P’ and a Suffix of ‘1’ making ‘P1234561’
  • ‘SFA 2 + Person 1’ is considered to be Mother Node of Split Family 2 with a Prefix of ‘S’ and a Suffix of ‘2’ making ‘S1234562’ 
  • ‘SFA 2 + Person 2’ is considered to be Father Node of Split Family 2 with a Prefix of ‘P’ and a Suffix of ‘2’ making ‘P1234562’

Step Two - Populating User Information

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Following the identification of the family situation and the accounts that need to be made, the call from ‘student-details: getCommunicationRulesDetails’ will then look to attribute personal information (names, phone numbers and email addresses) to parents for each Student ID by default where the communication type = TKCO, or has been specifically configured using TASS Communication Rules Type Code Filter in Administration Area > Settings > External DB.

In simple nuclear families, Schoolbox will divide the data from the correspondence address block and attribute f_prefrerred_name, mobile_1 and email_1 to the mother and m_preferred_name, mobile_2 and email_2 to the father. For example, in a simple nuclear family:


                    "communication_type": "TKCO",

                    "sms_flg_2": "N",

                    "email_2": "email@gmail.com",

                    "sms_flg_1": "N",

                    "m_initials": "C",

                    "f_preferred_name": "Dom",

                    "addressee": "Carmel Caramel",

                    "email": "email@outlook.com",

                    "m_preferred_name": "Carmel",

                    "business_phone": "",

                    "salutation": "Ms Caramel",

                    "m_title": "Ms",

                    "m_suffix": "",

                    "f_suffix": "",

                    "home_phone": "",

                    "f_surname": "Bradburry",

                    "mobile_phone_2": "",

                    "f_initials": "P",

                    "addressee": "Carmel Caramel",

                    "address_description": "Correspondence",

                    "mobile_phone_1": "0400000000",

                    "f_description": "Father",

                    "f_other_name": "",

                    "f_title": "",

                    "m_first_name": "Carmel",

                    "parent_code": 123457,

                    "m_description": "Mother",

                    "current_address": ",

                    "m_other_name": "",

                    "f_first_name": "Dom",

                    "m_surname": "Caramel",

                    "relationship": "Biological",

                    "tag": "",

                    "facsimile": ""


See the tables on this Schoolbox page to see exact details of what maps to where in SUDS.

In split families, Schoolbox requires the response to match the TASS Address Descriptions for Mother and Father, to appropriately attribute each parent’s names, phone numbers and email address. For example in a split family where mother and father nodes exist:

            "addresses": [


                    "communication_type": "TKCO",

                    "sms_flg_2": "N",

                    "email_2": "",

                    "sms_flg_1": "N",

                    "m_initials": "C",

                    "f_preferred_name": "Dom",

                    "addressee": "Carmel Caramel",

                    "email": "email@outlook.com",

                    "m_preferred_name": "Carmel",

                    "business_phone": "",

                    "salutation": "Ms Caramel",

                    "m_title": "Ms",

                    "m_suffix": "",

                    "f_suffix": "",

                    "home_phone": "",

                    "f_surname": "Bradburry",

                    "mobile_phone_2": "",

                    "f_initials": "P",

                    "addressee": "Carmel Caramel",

                    "address_description": "Mother",

                    "mobile_phone_1": "0400000000",

                    "f_description": "Father",

                    "f_other_name": "",

                    "f_title": "",

                    "m_first_name": "Carmel",

                    "parent_code": 123457,

                    "m_description": "Mother",

                    "current_address": ",

                    "m_other_name": "",

                    "f_first_name": "Dom",

                    "m_surname": "Caramel",

                    "relationship": "Biological",

                    "tag": "",

                    "facsimile": ""



                    "communication_type": "TKCO",

                    "sms_flg_2": "N",

                    "email_2": "dom@email.com.au",

                    "sms_flg_1": "N",

                    "m_initials": "C",

                    "f_preferred_name": "Dom",

                    "addressee": "Dom bradburry",

                    "email": "",

                    "m_preferred_name": "Carmel",

                    "business_phone": "",

                    "salutation": "",

                    "m_title": "Ms",

                    "m_suffix": "",

                    "f_suffix": "",

                    "home_phone": "",

                    "f_surname": "Bradburry",

                    "mobile_phone_2": "0428969837",

                    "f_initials": "P",

                    "addressee": "Dom  Bradburry",

                    "address_description": "Father",

                    "mobile_phone_1": "",

                    "f_description": "Father",

                    "f_other_name": "",

                    "f_title": "",

                    "m_first_name": "Carmel",

                    "parent_code": 11869,

                    "m_description": "Mother",

                    "current_address": "",

                    "m_other_name": "",

                    "f_first_name": "Dom",

                    "m_surname": "Caramel",

                    "relationship": "Biological",

                    "tag": "",

                    "facsimile": ""



The Contacts on a Student’s Profile Page Explained

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Following the completion of the import to SUDS a students profile page can contain contact information in 3 possible formats:

  1. A hyperlinked parent account - meaning there is parent and relationship data in SUDS because the communication type = TKCO. The UPS has been run and a parent account has been created in Schoolbox.
  2. Contact information for a parent that is not hyperlinked to an account - meaning there is parent and relationship data in SUDS because the communication type = TKCO. But a parent account has not been created because either:
    1. The UPS has not been run to create parent accounts since the creation of the student account in Schoolbox.
    2. The UPS has a rule that purposefully skips individuals or has factors to negate the unique identifiers that have been created in step 1 of the process.
  3. Emergency contact information.

How does Schoolbox populate the Emergency Contact Information on a Student’s Profile?

Before trying to collect information for making parent accounts, there will already have been a call to ‘student-details: getCommunicationRulesDetails’ to populate the student’s account in SUDS with emergency contact information. This call is separated from what identifies and creates parent accounts and can therefore result in the duplication of information within the ‘Contact Information’ and ‘Emergency Contact Information’ sections of the Student Profile Screen.

When an address block in the call to ‘student-details: getCommunicationRulesDetails’ has the communication type = EC (as the Emergency Contact is ticked on the address block in TASS) an emergency contact will be created. This contact’s name will be displayed as the addressee, show the home phone number and one mobile phone number. The preference will be to show mobile phone 1 over mobile phone 2.

For example:


    "__tassversion": "",

    "commrules": [


            "addresses": [


                    "communication_type": "EC",

                    "sms_flg_2": "N",

                    "email_2": "",

                    "sms_flg_1": "N",

                    "m_initials": "I",

                    "f_preferred_name": "Jeff",

                    "addressee": "I Bradburry ",

                    "email": "i.bradburry@email.com",

                    "m_preferred_name": "Ingrid",

                    "business_phone": "02 9999 999",

                    "salutation": "Dr  Bradburry",

                    "m_title": "",

                    "m_suffix": "",

                    "f_suffix": "",

                    "home_phone": "",

                    "f_surname": "Bradburry",

                    "mobile_phone_2": "",

                    "f_initials": "A",

                    "addressee": "I Bradburry ",

                    "address_description": "Correspondence",

                    "mobile_phone_1": "0400000012",

                    "f_description": "Father",

                    "f_other_name": "",

                    "f_title": "",

                    "m_first_name": "Ingrid",

                    "parent_code": 123456,

                    "m_description": "Mother",

                    "current_address": "I bradburry<br />7 High Street<br />NORTH Melbourne",

                    "m_other_name": "",

                    "f_first_name": "Ajax",

                    "m_surname": "Bradburry",

                    "relationship": "",

                    "tag": "Emergency Contact",

                    "facsimile": ""



            "studcode": 123456



    "token": {

        "commtype": "ec",

        "code": 123456,

        "timestamp": "{ts '2021-08-19 13:10:34'}",

        "currentstatus": "current"

